Happy Birthday - 17

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On Friday, Wille was in high spirits. And he expected the same from Simon. However, he only curled up in a ball and hid his left palm between his legs, with a face of chills, wrote down the solution of the problem.

- Are you cold? - The Crown Prince asked in a whisper.

- A little, - Simon replied with his blue lips.

- Are you not sick?

- No, I'm not sick. I just thought it would be warmer today. In the morning the sun was scorching.

His words did not calm Wille down, so he watched him all day. Coughing fits were hard not to notice, and when he changed into a T-shirt at physical education, sat on a bench and did not know how to hug himself. Wille could not stand it and insisted on going to the nurse. She quickly checked his temperature and, having fixed thirty-eight, sent him home.

Simon wasn't going to miss the English test, so they agreed that Wille would drop him off after school. In addition, he visited the choir teacher and left the office upset.

- The main thing is that I can perform with the choir in a week, – while in the arms of the Crown Prince in the car, Simon said with blue trembling lips.

- We will cure you. Malen, turn on the stove.

At home, Simon put on all the warmest clothes. A hat and a scarf, a few socks and sweaters, and still, lying under a blanket in the living room, he could not get warm. Wille lay with him and periodically breathed warm air into his hands. They were watching an entertainment show on TV. The patient even managed to fall asleep for a while on Wille's shoulder.

- Did I ruin your plans for tomorrow?

- No. I had you in my plans. The main thing is that everything will be fine with you, - he whispered, touching Simon's burning cheeks, - you have a fever.

Simon was thrown into a heat, then into a bone-piercing cold. They moved to his bed. Breathing on the guy's forehead, Wille looked at his watch. When it struck twelve, he kissed his cheek and said:

- Happy birthday. I love you.

- I love you too.

It was a hell of a night for both of them. The cold like an electric current pierced Simon. Their feet were freezing the most, so Wille wrapped his hot legs around them, and they fell asleep in an embrace.

In the morning, Simon felt better. Relatives and friends called him and congratulated him. Mom made a holiday breakfast. He blew out the candle and made a wish wrapped in a wool scarf. Then he went back to bed. Simon and Wille played video games for a long time.

- Remember I promised you a surprise? Everything is ready, - smiling Wille extended his hand to Simon, and they proceeded to the living room.

Candles, garlands, flowers, popcorn and a horror movie were waiting for them there. They had a great time in each other's company. Eriksson never stopped laughing when Wille closed his eyes to particularly bloody moments. The Crown Prince even made the pasta a little clumsily himself. And when the movie ended, they, inhaling the aroma of candles, retired at the table. Simon didn't have much of an appetite. Instead, he watched Wilhelm pounce on the pasta. As if he was a little nervous.

- I have a little gift for you... I bought us a pair of rings. I hope it suits you.

- It's amazing. Thank you, but it wasn't necessary to spend so much. If I wasn't afraid of infecting you, I'd kiss you.

Both guys were sitting awkwardly at the table and chatting sweetly with their legs intertwined. The room quickly filled with their laughter and foolishness. They didn't stop flirting with each other. They're the only ones in the house. Together. What could be more beautiful and harmless than love?

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