It is good that this is not a live broadcast - 26

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The guys spent the next week together studying textbooks in an attempt to prepare for the final tests, but if they were alone, they immediately forgot about them. Besides, his mother tried to call him all week, but he didn't want to talk to her and put the phone on silent. He guessed what she wanted to talk about. After all, Wilhelm practically did not attend dance lessons all week. To be more precise, after the camp, he attended one class with Simon. And when they found out about it in the palace, they changed the teacher and began to send rich partners to him for training so that he would choose which one he would dance with. Wille didn't dance with any of them. And he began to threaten that he would not participate in this event. Which naturally did not like everyone in the yard and immediately after classes on Friday, a car came for him. The Crown Prince was almost forced into it. It was only at the palace that he was able to use the phone and call Simon via video link.

- Where have you disappeared to? - I was worried.

- I couldn't do anything. This time they managed to take me away. I'll be back after my birthday. In the meantime, I was only allowed to use the phone for five minutes. To be afraid that I will go live on Instagram or do something else that will harm the reputation of the royal family. I don't understand! They really think that this way they can make me dance at the festival. It's absurd. They can't make me move my feet! They can't– Wilhelm almost screamed, but at the last words he seemed to be suffocating.

- Wille, Wille! Calm down. Everything will be fine. This is a regular event. You've been to these a thousand times.

- Unusual. I have never had to dance with someone unknown under the lenses of cameras. I'm not going out. They won't make me.

The last minutes of the conversation they talked about Simon's haircut. Wille started complaining that now he has nowhere to run his hands and he misses his curls. And the pretty boy swore to him that he did not cut his hair shorter than usual. The Queen unwittingly witnessed this conversation. She didn't hear everything, but she was in thought for two days. The queen saw her son's resistance and did not want to fight him anymore.

-I can't lose him, either.

With these words, on Monday morning, the Queen woke Simon up. All disheveled, he opened the door and was stunned by such important guests. From the threshold she began to talk about business. At first, one could read in her words the rejection of Simon and the unwillingness to see him in the family. She even mentioned his successful audition, which could have been even more successful if he had refused the heir to the throne. Which of course just pissed Simon off. It may not be typical of him, but the queen was at his house, and he incredibly wanted to send her. Restraining himself, he listened to the second scenario.

- And why couldn't it have been so right away? Why it was necessary to invent a bicycle?

- We tried to do the best for the crown, but apparently forgot that there are people under it.

Simon got ready quickly. They were traveling at the speed of light. There was nothing before the ceremony, and he still had to pick up a suit. Therefore, immediately upon arrival at the palace, he was taken to a tailor, where he was dressed in a tuxedo.

- Simon? How did you end up here? And why are you dressed like that? – in pajama, the prince began with his eyes bulging in surprise.

- Get dressed. Everything will start soon. We can't be late. Your mother came to me and said that as long as you play the role of the diligent crown Prince, I can be with you...

Wilhelm did not let him finish. He hugged him fervently, fervently. As I haven't hugged him for eternity. Letting go seemed like a crime, and kissing seemed like a victory. Wille dressed quickly, occasionally lashing out at Simon, who was looking around his room. When the suit was on the Crown Prince, they flew out. In an attempt to tie a tie on the run, Wille failed. Then Simon stopped him at the entrance to the great hall and began to tie his tie.

- Are you worried?

- I'm not. But it looks like you are, - Simon replied confidently.

- There is a little. We haven't even rehearsed with you.

- How did you not rehearse? And what about the evening at the camp. We will improvise... Repeat after the others, - Simon tried to calm him down, but seeing that this did not help, he put his arm around his waist, pulled him to him and clung to him with his lips.

- You look very sexy.

- My prince, you are also incomparable. I just want to undress you.

Their passionate kisses lasted about twenty seconds, after which the queen passed by coughed, and they had to stop. She scared them like thunder in clear weather.

- You're almost on time. We should have started ten minutes ago, - the Queen said coldly.

- Thank you, Mom, and happy birthday, - Wille managed to say as he walked through the door.

The improvisers of them, frankly, are terrible. If they somehow managed to cope with the waltz and polonaise without losses, then they already showered on the polka. It's better not to remember about the Mazurka at all. Covering their mouths, everyone in the hall laughed, and so did they. But the guys literally didn't notice August's presence. They wouldn't even remember that he was there tonight.

- It's good that this is not a live broadcast.

- Ha... Wille, even on the recording it will be visible how you step on my feet, - Simon delighted him, and they both laughed.

The next day, all the front lines in the news talked about the joint appearance of the Crown Prince with Simon at the ball in honor of the queen's birthday. "The royal family adopted a gay son" "They decided to destroy traditions to the end" "Crown Prince Wilhelm waltzed with his boyfriend Simon" There is not a single person left in Sweden who would not know about the Crown Prince's lover. Many expressed their opinion. Well, let it. They can say what they want. Crown Prince Wilhelm and Simon Erickson together. So, everything is fine.

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