I need to talk to Wille - 12

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At the police station, Wilhelm and Simon did not manage to talk to each other. But actually, they didn't come there for that. Simon did not run away from him. I just hurried to the car to my sister and mother. He doesn't like to be expected. Besides, Eriksson was in a hurry to attend a choir rehearsal.

In fact, he's been used to the looks since last semester. Here and there they will look at him from under their foreheads. The star of the Internet. He didn't think much of it. You never know what they're watching. Simon is still a pretty boy. But during the rehearsal it was impossible not to notice it. It's like he used to be the guy with the sex tape, and now he's the Crown Prince's guy and everyone wants to see Wilhelm's taste. It distracted him a little from the process. And in the church at Easter, everyone considered it their duty to honor him with an appraising look. So, the huge number of his relatives waiting for him at home for the festive table helped him to distract himself and switch to the holiday.

Although Simon did not keep a fast, he still attacked the food. Actually, like other family members. So, they had no time to talk. Well, when they finished the meal, Eriksson was pleasantly surprised that he didn't hear a single question about his situation. Except for a flattering comment that he sings beautifully and the eternal question of who he thinks he will become. He doesn't really understand where he wants to go. He tries to study perfectly, to prepare for every test, but he doesn't know where he will go yet. On the one hand, he studies at a very prestigious school, and he has the opportunity to enter a decent university, after graduating from which he will have a prestigious job and salary. And, on the other hand, he would like to connect his life with creativity. You can enroll in the music department at the University of the Arts, pass auditions in various music companies. But these options do not provide a stable future. However, it is the latter options that attract Simon more. "It's better to always follow your dreams than to impose the opinion of society on yourself," his mother told him.

After the family meal, the guests dispersed to their corners of the house and continued to communicate in small groups. Of course, children with children, adults with adults. Therefore, Simon and Sara were left with two children of two and five years old. They entertained them as best they could. And when some of the guests left, they felt incredibly tired. As if more than one shift was plowed at the factory. But relatives who came from far away stayed for a couple of days.

The holidays were pretty boring. The day kept running away, but things never got done. Everything that Simon planned to do during his studies suddenly faded into the background. He only had time to surf the Internet, play video games, cook something, and the day passed. The pretty boy was distracted from thoughts about the Wille as much as he could. And then I decided to get some fresh air with my friends and we talked about Wilhelm. Of course, he told them what happened.

- And he lied again turns out? - Ayub asked.

- But wait. Wille did it for you. And you were ready to go to jail? It seems crazy to me alone here. August is the one who has to pay. Not you. In this case, stealing pills from him should be renamed to "pick up your long-forgotten" - Rosh blurted out emotionally.

- You said yourself that August can pay off. But you can't do it. - Ayub added.

- I know. I just wanted to move through life without lies and deception. Even if I had to go to jail.

- Dude. Prison is not cool. You'd ruin your whole career, - Ayub said.

Simon sat looking guilty. There was nothing but despair on the lowered face. Rosh was a little shocked. Her friend was ready to go to jail, and she's only now finding out about it. She would have taken the pills herself if Simon had told her about them.

- Oh, my God. I'm so glad he took them. And you're a fool and you're sulking at him? He saved your ass! – Rosh breathed out after realizing the situation, - you should thank him. He was thinking about you. And he didn't tell you because you're a jerk. If I were you, I'd invite him to my place and make conciliatory pancakes or whatever he likes.

Simon already realized that he wanted to do something stupid. More precisely, I am glad that this did not happen. But Rosh's words were like a kick in the ass. He really needs to apologize. "I need to talk to Wille."

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