Competition - 23

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This week's competition is one of the brightest of the year. Hillerska students set up camp on the school grounds and compete in the conduct of everyday life, horse racing, rowing, orienteering, but the main thing is of course to have a good time in the company of friends in nature. For graduates, this is an opportunity to have another drink together and skip school, and for first-year students, it is more likely to get acquainted with the local numerous and diverse insects.

- Have you never pitched a tent before? - Felice asked.

- Did you put up a tent? I don't understand at all how to get out of this, - Wille pointed to the cloth lying on the wet grass and, lifting the box, added indignantly, - to do this. They would at least add instructions.

- It won't help, - Vincent grinned, - Simon, come here! Help our prince, otherwise he's kind of slow today.

Vincent and August think of themselves as the leaders of the camp and walk with their chins held high, handing out tasks. Such leaders. If Wille and Simon could give up active recreation in the circle of classmates, they would take advantage of this opportunity. However, for participating in any of the competitions, you can get advantages in the final exams, and this will not hurt both. The Crown Prince has been completely relaxed lately in his studies. Therefore, these two, taking turns looking up at each other in an atmosphere of awkward silence, set up a tent for four. It was assumed that the Crown Prince himself, Henry, Walter and Alexander would sleep in it. But later in the evening it became clear that no one was going to sleep at least on the first night.

Simon took part in the obstacle course on a bicycle. Wille and Henry ran into the woods with a map. Their couple did not return for a long time, and third-year students even started looking for them in the forest. Who knew that both of them didn't know anything about cards? They both pretended that they knew how to use compasses just to avoid going to a quiz on the history of Sweden.

-It would be a shame, - Wilhelm defended himself to Felice, covered in dirt and with his hands scratched to the elbows.

Horse riding and rowing competitions are scheduled for the next day. They are the most important. Those who would participate in them, at the insistence of the elders, had to lie in the tent at eleven. Simon and Wille, in theory, have already worked out their own, so they gathered with the rest of the idlers in a large tent at the girls'. Until late at night, teenagers played cards without a sip of alcohol, watched tiktoks with a bad Internet, played "truth or action", as a result of which Wille even lit a cigarette for the first time ... and of course the dream of all teenagers is the game "bottle". Where are they without her? If for Felice and Sara it was a kiss of friendship, then for Eriksson and Wilhelm it was a forced action that they could not avoid. Refusal literally meant eating the earth. And when, closer to four in the morning, it came to singing together, the older nerds quickly dispersed them with shouts about the importance of the upcoming competitions.

Not everyone left the tent. Most still remained. Among them is our couple exchanging glances. There was tension in the air because of them. They lay down at a distance of two people. Everyone, incredibly exhausted by a physically hard and long day, fell asleep instantly. But Wille was not in one eye for another half an hour. He hasn't been able to fall asleep right away for the last couple of nights. And he's still tired today. After the last conversation with Simon, he thought a lot. You can even say a lot. For two hours before the mind still managed to fall asleep. And so far he has come to only one exit. They need to break up. Go your own ways. So Simon will be able to follow his dreams, and Wille will not blame himself for his broken life.

Already in the morning, waking up literally in the same thoughts, he continued to reflect. Only now the Crown Prince's eyes were not closed in the hope of falling asleep, but looked straight at Simon without blinking. The guy he's going to have to break up with. This decision was very difficult for him. He hasn't figured out how to say it out loud yet. After all, this is how words will become reality, and he wants to prolong these, albeit silent, but seconds of hope for happiness. He can't take his eyes off the sleeping beauty. Clings to him, not letting go.

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