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Someone once said that if you find true love, the intensity of your feelings will make you want to flee from love.

But I'd never found love like that... and I didn't imagine I ever would.

I thought that sort of thing only happened in stories. I never expected it to happen to me. And I never expected it to be him.

I'd wandered into that strange mansion on the night a sickle moon hung in the sky overhead. And that night, I had a dream.

I'd woken in fright, and I soon found myself recounting my scaring dream to Jisung in the kitchen.


I still can't believe I dreamt of someone biting in my neck like that.

"...Just like a vampire would. Dreams can be so realistic, even when they're about the most unbelievable things."

Jisung had listened quietly, but the bright lights were chasing my fear away, and I was beginning to feel a bit foolish.

"Thanks for listening to my silly dream. I hope you don't think I'm crazy for dreaming about vampires." - "I don't think you're crazy, nor do I believe it was just a silly dream." - "You don't think it was silly?" - "No. Indeed, it's a good sign." - "My bad dream is a good sign?" - "I believe you saw that dream because you're here in this mansion." - "You're not making sense." - "The dream serves as a warning... that you are to give them neither your body nor your heart." - "Them?" - "The residents of this mansion. For you see, everyone you've met tonight-... they are exactly what you saw in your dream. They are all vampires."

Silence fell between us, and I rubbed my arms briskly, trying to ward off the sudden chill I felt.

You can't really be serious, can you? But you look serious. Is this some sort of-...

"I'm joking." - "...What?" - "You looked so worked up that I thought a joke might lighten the mood a little."

Wow, if that was meant to be a joke, you REALLY need to work on your delivery!

"Geez, Jisung - you sounded so serious that you actually had me believing you for a second there!" - "Hmm, I suppose one needs to smile when one tells a joke. I shall have to remember that next time."

But he was smiling as he said it, and that was enough to make me feel better.

"Now, it's getting late. You should get back to your room and try to get some proper rest." - "Yeah, I think I will. Thanks for hearing me out, Jisung. Good night." - "Good night, (Y/n)."

I'd finished my water, and I gave Jisung the empty glass and thanked him again before heading back to my bedroom.


Jisung watched in silence as (Y/n) left the kitchen, and then he turned towards the sink with a deep sigh.

"It seems cruel to tell her the truth tonight. But we must find the right moment to explain the situation to her. She deserves to know the truth, if she intends to stay here amongst them."


I left the kitchen and made my way back to my room, walking down hallways lit only by bars of silver moonlight.

Through the windows I could see tall trees swaying in the breeze, and I wondered idly if I'd stepped into a Gothic horror novel.

Everything I've been told since coming here has been so unbelievable, and yet as far as I can tell, it's all true.

When I'd walked through that door in the Louvre, I'd somehow travelled back in time to the late 19th century.

And when the door had shut behind me, it trapped me in this time - I was stuck here, for a whole month, unable to go home.

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now