Chapter 3

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Yoongi pushed me so hard that I lost my balance, landing on my hands and knees on the cold floor.


Before I could recover, I heard the door close behind me, and then Yoongi spoke through it, his voice slightly muffled.

"I am unwilling for my friend to remain so misunderstood. Talk this out." - "What?!"

You've got to be kidding me! I'm the victim here, remember?!

Everything was happening too fast, and as his footsteps faded away outside, a dark shadow fell across me.

I quickly pushed away my frustration at Yoongi's actions as I turned and looked up.

I was still on my hands and knees, and Chan seemed impossibly tall and imposing as he stood silently before me.

He was every bit as beautiful as I remembered, if not more, but his dark gaze was empty and lifeless as it met mine.

"What are you doing here?"

I've never in my life met anyone with eyes like yours.

His visible eye was like the darkest of nights, as if all the stars in the heavens had been doused forever.

His gaze was a darkness that threatened to enfold you and never let you free again, and just meeting that gaze made me afraid.

I hadn't forgotten how quickly he'd moved the night before when he'd bitten me, either, and I pushed myself hastily to my feet.

But I looked away as I did so, unable to meet that empty gaze any longer.

"Um... sorry for bursting into your room like that... I'm... well, I'm going to be staying here for a month, so I thought I should... properly introduce myself..." - "...I see."

I could feel him staring at me, and my voice petered out, unable to even finish the sentence.

...Ugh, what am I doing? I didn't even want to come in here. I should leave, before this goes south.

"Anyway, I... I have to go help Jisung with his work, so I'll leave it at that."

I tried to keep my voice light as I lifted my head, and then our eyes met, and I was caught by his gaze again.

Chan was still watching me calmly, and I knew he hadn't looked away, not even for a moment.

I felt as if he could sense my desperate desire to flee... and as if he was watching to make sure I did so.


Are you really sure you want to flee right now?

As I stared into the void in his gaze, I felt a sudden sense of certainty, almost like a premonition.

I knew that if I left now, if I turned my back and walked away from him... that we'd never speak again.

And I don't know why, but for some reason that idea scares me even more than standing here scares me.

I pressed my lips together as Yoongi's words flitted through my mind again.

It wasn't because he craved blood. And even though I was scared, I don't feel like he was trying to scare me. So why?

His silence and the darkness in his gaze teased at my memory, bringing back the words he'd said to me the night before.

But most of all, I remembered the final words he'd spoken as I'd blacked out... and the sorrow in his voice as he'd said them.

If I don't get strong, I won't survive, huh?

I was too flustered to really think about it before, but...

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