Chapter 21

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There was a rustle of cloth, and suddenly I could see again, and breathe properly again.

Great, now where are we?

I looked around quickly, but the place wasn't familiar at all, and I had no idea which way we'd come, or how far.

In the distance I could see the ocean, but it was the graves surrounding me on all sides that caught my attention.

Gilles stood amidst them, and I watched warily as he patted his horse's rump, shooing it away, and then turned to face me.

Ugh, I thought this was meant to be over! I still can't believe he's doing this!


I'd been quietly drinking the tea Jisung had made for me when all of a sudden, I'd heard the crash of breaking glass.

Everything after that had happened too fast - so fast that I was still struggling to process it.

Yoongi had hurried in, presumably drawn by the noise, and Gilles had drawn his sword and sent him flying at once.


I'd barely had time to register his shocked groan, or the blood that covered his arm and hand.

"You're pathetic. I'm taking the woman. I know he'll come and find me again if she's gone... isn't that right, Chan?"


"I bet you weren't expecting to be kidnapped twice in one day... and by the same man both times! Isn't this something? Ahaha!"

His laughter had a twisted edge to it, and the sound sent a shiver down my spine.

Something's wrong. No, I mean, really, really wrong.

When he'd confronted Chan earlier that evening, he'd been overly zealous, but he'd still seemed human in a way.

But that sense of humanity was gone. Now, he seemed empty of life, empty of reason, like a figure going through the motions.

The light in his eyes was gone, and his roving gaze refused to focus on any singly thing. Even me.

"Why are we here? What are you planning to do this time?" - "Isn't it obvious? I'm going to kill you, and then wait here for Chan to come for you."

I froze, my mind going completely blank for a moment.

Wait... he brought me here to kill me?

Gilles' gaze still skittered around, never settling on anything, but that only made his words scarier somehow.

Without thinking, I took a step back, and that made me realise that he hadn't bothered to tie me up this time.

Because I'm not bait this time, so there's no point, right? Once he kills me, I'm dead. Okay, deep breaths, focus...

I can't die here. I made all those promises to Chan! And... if I die here, that's it for him. He'll kill Gilles, and then...

He'll be lost in the darkness for good. He'll shut himself off completely, and drown in despair until he finds a way to die.

That scared me far more than dying did, and it also gave me the courage I needed to push aside my fear.

"Do you think Chan will take your hand if you kill me? Do you think he'll follow you then?" - "Of course he will! He's got such a kind heart, that boy. He worries about you - that's why he can't bring himself to leave. So I just need to get rid of you." - "If you're so sure that killing me will help, then go ahead and kill me." - "Oh, you're offering now?" - "I am. But only so long as you understand this - if you kill me, Chan will never, ever take your hand!" - "Hahaha! Is that so?" - "It is! Chan didn't refuse your offer because he doesn't trust you. And he definitely wasn't trying to make a choice between you and I." - "Okay, then, why did he refuse?"

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now