Chapter 10

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The rain fell all night, but the following day dawned so bright and clear the rain seemed a distant memory.

The townspeople had assured us that the nobleman had been arrested after they'd all told the police what they'd seen.

It was over, and I wanted to let it go, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Even if that nobleman goes to jail for what he did, it won't magically bring Saar's mother back to life.

And now the poor kid has no one. They said he was sent to an orphanage, but... is he really going to be okay there?

"When I write this letter..."

He's been through so much already! It just seems so unfair that-...

"(Y/n)?" - "Ahhh! Chan... I'm so sorry. I guess I was spacing out a bit there." - "Why don't we finish our study session here?" - "What? Are you sure?" - "There's something else I'd like you to teach me instead, if you don't mind."

Is he seriously asking me to teach him more things? Because I'd love to! And that means...

But I wasn't expecting it to mean we'd end up in the kitchen at 11 o'clock at night.

"So... you're really sure you want me to teach you how to cook?"

Chan's expression was calm and almost serene as he nodded, his gaze holding mine.

"Can I ask why the sudden interest in cooking?" - "Do you remember when I told you that there's a lot of things I don't know because I lived so long ago?"

Of course I remember! That was when we'd only just started studying together.

"Yes, I do." - "Because of that, the other residents here have many reasons to laugh at me. So... I'd like to learn more things... is my request a problem for you?" - "What? No! Not at all! I'm actually really happy you asked! I think it'll be fun to cook together."

I'm kind of excited about the idea of cooking with him!

"But first of all we have to decide what to cook. Is there anything in particular you want to make?" - "Whatever you want to make."

Well, if he's going to leave it up to me... maybe something sweet? It'll be tasty, and fun, and it won't matter if it's messy!

"Okay, then! Do you want to try making macarons with me?"

If I'f known, then, that the kitchen was soon to become a battlefield, maybe I'd chosen something simpler.

"...Let's get started."

I watched as Chan set aside his cloak and jacket, and suddenly my step felt lighter as I began to prepare things.

"Okay! First of all, I'm going to show you how to separate eggs..."


"Chan! You don't need to beat the egg whites that ferociously!" - "Understood." - "Chan! Slow down! If you sift the sugar that vigorously-... *cough, cough*" - "...*cough*... Understood." - "Waah! Chan, why are the macarons on fire?!" - "...I don't know."

...I can't believe we still managed it.

The kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it, but the finished macarons looked edible. In fact, they looked delicious.

It was a miracle. It had to be.

"...I wasn't expecting it to be like this."

Ahh, I can't take it anymore...

I burst out laughing, my laughter echoing brightly through the kitchen as Chan turned to look at me.

"...(Y/n)?" - "I don't know whether it's my teaching methods, or maybe you're too trained for battle to adjust to a kitchen, but... oh my god..."

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now