Chapter 11

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He was a vampire, and I came from another time, a time I had to return to. So I'd tried desperately to quash what I was feeling.

I'd tried desperately to pretend it wasn't happening at all. That what I was feeling was something else. Anything else.

But Chan's tender, beatific smile had torn away all my pretences, as if they'd never been, and there was no going back.


Chan and I both looked up as the faint sound of piano playing reached us, a melody that was both gentle and cheerful.

It was a relief to have something to focus on other than my whirling emotions, and I let myself get caught up in the melody.

It's really pretty, too. I feel like I've heard it somewhere before, but...

"...'Voi che sapete che cosa è amor'." - "Hm? Do you know this piece?" - "Yoongi has played it before. When I told him it was beautiful, he told me what the song was about. He said it's sung b a man who has fallen in love, and is trying to express his feelings to the woman he loves."

A faint, wistful smile touched his lips, and his gaze turned distant, as if focusing on a memory.

As I studied him, his lips parted again, his words flowing in a soft, lilting tone that seemed to weave together with the music.

"...'I don't wish to do it, yet I groan and I sigh, I flutter and tremble without knowing why. I find no peace by day or night, yet to languish thus is sheer delight. You ladies who know what love may be... tell me if it is what burns within me'... when Yoongi first explained what the song was about, I didn't understand those sorts of feelings at all." - "...And now?" - "Now..."

Chan blinked slowly, his gaze moving towards me, and my heart skipped a beat as we stared at each other.

"Now, I feel as though I understand them."

Something warm and intimate seemed to burn in his gaze, and my heart lurched with such desperate eagerness that it hurt.

Why is he telling me these things? Why is he looking at me like that?

When he looks at me like that, he starts making me hope that he feels the same way I do. And-...

I wanted to ask, and yet I was terrified of what the answer might be, and in the end, all I could do was smile vaguely.

"I see..." - "Yes..."

I know I'm a fool for wanting this. I know it's wrong of me to feel this way.

But knowing that doesn't change it.

If there was a woman who'd found her way into Chan's heart, I wanted that woman to be me.

I wanted to be the woman he yearned for - the woman who'd made him understand what the song was about.

Even knowing I had to leave him, I still wanted him to feel for me even a little of what I felt for him.


A figure stood in the shadows, watching as (Y/n) and Chan smiled at each other in the gentle sunshine.

"Who could have but foreseen that the common naif could capture a heart so corrupted by darkness?"

The words Jackson had spoken when (Y/n) first arrived seemed determined to come back and haunt him.

But as he studied the two of them from afar, a faint, curious smile touched his lips.

"...Tis truly a wonder to see the fair Chan express such jubilation. Why, his gaze had been naught but despair layered with despair 'ere these long years."

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now