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Doubt trembled in his dark gaze, and I stared up at him, my heart aching to think he could ever doubt what I felt for him.

There's only one answer to that, and there's only ever been one answer.

"I won't..." - "Ah!" - "...ever turn down a request like that from you!"

All my love and adoration for him bubbled up inside me, and without even thinking I threw my arms around his neck.

I've told him that I love him, so fervently and desperately, I probably sounded ridiculous.

But if he still doubts it, then I'll keep on telling him, until he believes me. And then I'll still keep telling him.

"Chan? You know what? I-..." - "I love you." - "Wha-..."

I stared up at him, and he reached up, smoothing my wind-tousled hair back from my face, his voice achingly gentle.

"I love you, (Y/n). I adore you to the point of ridiculousness. I love you more than anyone in the whole world." - "Chan..."

I pulled back in surprise, my heart pounding so hard I thought it would burst, and he rewarded me with a dazzling smile.

"You always make the first move, and it stuns me every time. I'm just... returning the favour. But this doesn't really seem like enough, does it?"

This might be me being greedy, but...

"Could you... say that again? I just want to be absolutely sure I'm not dreaming." - "I'll say it as many times as you want. I love you, (Y/n), with all my heart and soul."

I can't even find words for all that I'm feeling right now, so...

I leaned in towards those sweetly smiling lips and kissed him, hoping my kiss would tell him what my words could not.

And as he wrapped his arms around me, I knew that it didn't matter where we were, I'd always be happy in his arms.

So long as we held onto each other, it didn't matter what the world threw at us. We'd always be able to overcome it.

I finally caught him. And I'm never letting go.

We'd been stuck in the darkness for so long, but there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was dazzling.


Chan and I had promised to stay with each other forever, and so I was still living in the mansion, just like I had before.

"Hm? Where's Chan?" - "He had some work to get done at the weapons shop today, so he'll be out all day."

Yoongi made a hmph noise in his throat, and then went back to drinking his Rouge, and I went back to dusting.

"(Y/n)." - "Yes?" - "Are you happy right now?"

I turned and studied Yoongi's expression, considering the full meaning of those words.

Some people probably imagine happiness as being all sunshine and blue skies, but I know that doesn't exist.

Happiness is like the weather. Some days it's clear, and some days it's non-stop rain. But when you put it all together...

"Yes, I am. I'm really, really happy right now, being able to be here with Chan." - "...I see." - "Are you happy, Yoongi?"

Yoongi tilted his head, as if considering my question as seriously as I'd considered his, and then he shrugged and smiled.

"I don't know whether I could call it happiness, but... it's not bad."


That evening, I made my way to Chan's room, a notebook held tightly in my hand.

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now