Chapter 4

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My eyelids felt heavy, but I forced them open, and a moment later I was blinking in confusion.

"Isn't this Chan's room?"

Wait... oh my god, don't tell my I sat down and then fell straight asleep?! With Chan watching?!

I sat up with a start, blushing hotly as I looked quickly around me, but Chan was nowhere to be seen.

As I moved, something slid off my shoulders, and I looked down and realised his cloak and jacket had been draper over me.

He put them there to keep me warm, didn't he?

I folded them carefully and walked over to set them down on the bed, and that's when I saw the empty Blanc bottle.

I picket it up, and as I turned it in my hands, it sparkled in the soft moonlight shining in through the skylight.

He'd duelled with me for hours, he'd put his own cloak over me to keep me warm, and then he'd drank the Blanc like I'd asked.

In spite of the chill in the air, I felt warm, and suddenly I was smiling as I stared down at the empty bottle in my hands.

I was right, wasn't I? There was a reason he bit me. It wasn't just blood-lust, and it wasn't annoyance, either.

I knew that if I asked him about it again, he'd just give me the same answer he'd given me before.

But his actions speak differently. I need to trust in what I see, and what I feel. And this feels right.

I want to understand him better. I want to know who the REAL Bang Chan is, behind the walls he's built to keep everyone out.

I knew that my time was limited - I was only staying until the hourglass emptied and the door leading home opened again.

But fate had seen fit to bring me to this place, and given me a chance to meet people I should never, by all rights, have met.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I was suddenly determined to make the most of it.

"And now that I'm Chan's gardienne, I'm going to be the best caretaker he's ever had!"


I'd successfully (?) earned the role of Chan's gardienne, and I was determined to live up to the title.

There was a lot to be done around the mansion, and Jisung kept me busy, but whenever I had a free moment, I sought Chan out.

I'm going to break down those walls he's built around himself even if it takes me the whole month to do it!

"Chan! I need to go and buy groceries, but I don't have anyone to go with me. Would you like to come?" - "What about Jisung?" - "Well, he said-..." - "Go with Jisung."

Oof. He's not making this easy for me. Of course he knows, that's why he does it. But I'm not giving up!


"Oh, good afternoon, Chan! I was just bringing the sheets in off the line. They smell like sunshine, don't you think? They're so soft and warm! I'm sure you'll sleep well tonight." - "It's all the same once you're asleep."

Come on, it's not the same at all! But I guess that angle isn't going to work on him either...

"Chan, are you joining us for dinner tonight? We're having salmon à la meunière, sauteed vegetables, and I made pie for dessert!" - "Food is nothing but a wasteful indulgence for vampires. I need nothing more than the bare minimum of Blanc."

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now