Chapter 8

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The customer spelled out his name and address, and Chan wrote them on the form in front of him.

His movements were slow, his grip on the pen tight, but he wrote every letter himself.

"...How does this look?" - "Wow, that's really something! The letters are a little shaky, but you got them all right! How did you learn to write so quickly?" - "I found an excellent teacher." - "Wait, what?" - "Ahh, so that's how it is! I guess it's true what they say - love sure does change people, for worse or for better!" - "...Love?" - "Hey, slow down there! You're jumping to conclusions! We're not-..." - "Sure, sure, whatever you say. There's no need to get all shy about it! Anyway, thanks again! I'll see you next time."

The man was laughing cheerfully as he waved off my protests, and he was still smiling as he left, dagger in hand.

Did he have to go and say 'Love' like that?! No, stop, let's not think about that, let's think about anything but that...

"Chan, that was amazing. I didn't realise you could already write so well without having to look at the letters anymore!" - "I'm not as good as you yet."

Okay, sure, his letters are messy and crooked, but I've been writing my whole life! He's only just started!

No other writing had ever looked as beautiful to me as the letters he'd written so slowly and painstakingly on that form.

"You'll get there. It just takes time, and practice." - "Will you keep teaching me?" - "Well, I'm your Mistress, right? So I'd like to keep teaching you." - "I thought you didn't like being called that?" - "Um... it's different when I say it!" - "...You really are an odd one."

Our eyes met and held, and something about his faint smile made my heart skip a beat.

It was so rare to see him smile, and it captivated me so much that at first I didn't register the bell over the door chiming.

Is that another customer?


We both turned at the same time, only to see a young boy hovering just inside the doorway.

His gaze darted around nervously, and something about the tense set of his jaw put me on edge.

I glanced over at Chan, and as he glanced back at me, I saw sudden movement out of the corner of my eye.


The boy moved quickly, grabbing a dagger from the nearest rack, and then he was gone again, dashing out through the door.

"Chan! He stole that!" - "...I know."

Chan was already on his feet and hurrying towards the door before I'd fully registered what had happened.

I stared after him for a moment, and then scrambled to my feet and gave chase.

Desperation gave me an extra burst of speed, but my legs were aching by the time I found Chan in an alley, gripping the boy's arm.

"What's your name?"

The boy said nothing, his face twisted in a scowl as he tried and failed to pull free of Chan's grip.


Chan... I've never heard him use that tone of voice before.

I know him well enough now to know how kind he is, but if he spoke to me like that...

He'd only spoken one word, but the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and even I felt compelled to obey.

"...Saar." - "Saar. I do not sell weapons to anyone unless they pay money and sign a contract. The contract is an agreement not to use the weapon to hurt others. I do not sell to people with malicious intent. You are still young, but you bore malice in your heart, when you stole that dagger. Am I wrong?"

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now