Chapter 12

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What the...

I whirled around and found myself face-to-face with a slender, handsome man, with striking eyes - one amber, one a murky brown.

"Sorry, but do I know you?"

We definitely haven't met, because I'd remember those eyes... so how does he know my name?

"I must beseech your leave, for I have yet failed to introduce myself. I am but a humble playwright, by name of Jackson Wang." - "Jackson Wang?!"

Wait, THE Jackson Wang who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'? Is he serious?

Okay, I know I shouldn't doubt him when I'm living with Yoongi and Hoseok and about to go on a date with Bang Chan, but...

"You seem flummoxed, so I will but add that I, too, am here by the hand of the good Comte." - "So that means..." - "Aye, I am a vampire."

All this time, I'd just assumed that everyone Namjoon had brought back to life was living in the mansion.

But if he knows my name, and he knows all this stuff about Namjoon and everything...

Something about him made me wary, but I smiled politely all the time.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm (Y/n)." - "Aye, this I know. There be reasons for which I do not reside at yonder mansion, but... friend Taehyung has spoke much of your kindness." - "Oh! So you're friends with Taehyung?" - "Aye."

Knowing that he was friends with someone as sweet and kind-hearted as Taehyung made me feel a lot better about him.

Still, I wasn't expecting to just run into another historical-figures-turned-vampires on the street like this!

"'Ere it has long been a meagre wish of mine that we might one day engage in goodly conversation such as this. Tis my hope that we mayhap become better acquainted, in time." - "Yes, of course, I'd like that!" - "Your positive response does please, truly. But I am afraid..."

Jackson reached out, his fingers slightly cool as they touched mine.

"I must take my leave. Fare thee well, till such time as we meet again."

Jackson lifted my hand in his, but just as he was about to press his lips against it, someone knocked his hand away.

"What are you doing, Jackson?" - "Friend Chan. It has been too many moons since we last spoke." - "Answer the question. What are you doing to (Y/n)?" - "Such mistrust doth ill suit thy countenance. 'Twas naught but a friendly greeting, aye?"

For a moment, I thought I saw something dark in his smile, and without thinking, I glanced up at Chan, wanting reassurance.

But he was silent, and his gaze was focused on Jackson, not on me.

Something about the look on Chan's face made me wary of Jackson all over again, and I glanced back and forth between them.

I don't know what this tension is, but I don't like it. It's not like him to look at anyone like that.

"Fair (Y/n), I glimpse a child over yonder, and t'would seem he is waving at you." - "What?"

I turned quickly, only to see Saar standing near the bank of the river, his smile bright, his hand raised in a hopeful wave.

"...Go and talk with him. But stay where I can see you." - "I will, don't worry! Um... it was nice to meet you, Jackson." - "The pleasure be mine. I pray next time we may exchange pleasantries in a more fortuitous setting."

Both men watched as (Y/n) hurried away, and then Chan turned his sharp gaze on Jackson again.

"...What are you plotting?" - "Such unfounded accusations wound me, Friend Chan. Pray tell, have I ever done anything so monstrous to you as would instill such doubt in me?" - "My instinct as a soldier tell me to stay on guard around you." - "If 'tis your soldier's instincts, then I fear naught I can say will counter such. Yet mine eye is surprised to see you manifest such ardent emotion. T'would seem the stoic soldier bears much devotion for the fair (Y/n)." - "How I feel about (Y/n) has nothing to do with you." - "Aye, I cannot claim otherwise. Yet I confess to a lingering concern." - "Hm?" - "Friend Chan... when did you relinquish the true wish floundering in your heart?" - "...What true wish?"

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