Chapter 13

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It had been several days since the harvest festival, but Chan was still acting strangely, and I didn't know what to do.

I wasn't even fully aware of the despondent sighs that kept escaping me, but Yoongi turned around suddenly.

"What's with that gloomy sigh?" - "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt your composing. Don't worry. I won't stay any longer!"

I hurriedly set down the bottle of Blanc I'd brought with me, and turned to leave again.

"I didn't say you were interrupting me. It's more annoying if you keep wandering around making that mopey face all day. Tell me what the problem is."

Well, he's right that moping isn't helping at all, and... he might actually be the best person to talk to about this.

"If you don't mind listening..."


"Hmph. So Chan has gone back to acting like he did when you first came here?" - "That's right. I mean, he's not openly avoiding me, and we're still studying together in the evenings, but... he won't meet my gaze anymore. And... he's stopped using my name."

I'm certain something happened to him at the festival, but... I can't help worrying that I've done something to upset him, too.

"Wandering around trying to imagine what Chan is feeling right now is a complete waste of time." - "...It is?" - "The only one who knows what Chan is feeling is Chan himself."

Okay, okay, I get that, but...

I winced a little, looking down at my hands, but then Yoongi spoke again, and his voice sounded gentler than usual.

"It's not like you to be fretting like this on your own, (Y/n)." - "Oh..." - "You've always gone head-to-head with Chan, without hesitation, to the point of ridiculousness at times. But I believe that's the reason he's been able to open up to you. I assure you, you've done it once before, which means it's foolish to think you can never do it again." - "Yoongi, I-..." - "Besides, you're not the type to be comfortable leaving things as they are when you know the man you love is in this state." - "No, I'm not, but... wait a minute! How did you know?! I mean-..." - "I told you before - everything you're thinking shows clearly in your expressions. You still need to do something about that. But I don't think there's a single person who doesn't know how you feel at this point."

Ugh, is he serious?! The idea of them all gossiping about me and Chan is - well - mortifying!

"Go and see Chan. Taking immediate action without thinking anything through is your greatest virtue."

Yoongi's words were as sharp as ever, and yet it was clear to me that he was trying to help, and it meant the world to me.

And he's right. Nothing's going to change if all I do is mope in silence.

"Yoongi... thank you. Thank you so much. I'm going to go and see Chan." - "...Good."


It wasn't long until the time I usually met Chan in the library, and when I hurried there, I found him waiting, as he always did.

Even if he won't look at me anymore, he still makes sure he's always here before I am.

It was such a little thing, and it had once made me so happy, but now it only made me feel lonely and empty.

I wanted those days back - the days when he met my gaze, and smiled for me. But I was trembling a little as I sat next to him.

"Bonsoir, Chan. Thanks for waiting for me." - "It's fine..." - "Before we start studying, do you mind if I ask you something?" - "...What is it?" - "Well... you've been acting oddly since the night we went to the festival. And I was hoping we could talk about it." - "...There's nothing to talk about." - "Then why won't you look me in the eye anymore?"

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