Chapter 6

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Chan had told me he hated the rain, and I was trying to tell him all the reasons it wasn't actually that bad.

But when I said that the sky looked beautiful after, his expression shifted somehow, his tone dropping a little as he replied.

I asked him to make a bet with me.

"A bet?" - "Yes! If the weather's clear tomorrow, I want you to grant one wish of mine." - "And if it's raining tomorrow?" - "Well, obviously, I'll grant one wish of yours, then!"

The bet wasn't the important thing, and I didn't even really care whether I won it or not.

But it was a chance to engage Chan, and get to know him a little better, and I wanted that more than anything else right then.

"How about it? Will you bet on the rain with me?" - "The only answer you're going to accept is yes, isn't it?" - "Congratulations, you're correct! And for getting the answer right first time, you've won..."

Chan's gaze slid away from mine, his expression flat, and my voice trailed off.

It's really hard to make jokes when he doesn't react to them... but I guess I'm used to that by now.

Chan hesitated for a long moment, but at last he closed his eye, as if in defeat, and nodded slowly.

"Excellent! The bet is on!" - "Don't expect me to comfort you when that glee turns out to have been for nothing." - "Don't worry, I'm not leaving this up to luck! I've got a plan." - "A plan?" - "I'm going to make a teru teru bozu! Oh... a teru teru bozu is a sort of talisman we make in my country, to wish for good weather." - "...Teru-teru." - "That's right! And my teru teru bozu is going to bring me victory, just you wait and see."

I hadn't made one since I was a child, but it felt far more proactive than just waiting and hoping for the best.

"You know, suddenly I'm really looking forever to tomorrow." - "...I have no idea what that feels like."

Chan's face was turned towards the window again, his soft voice almost drowned out by the rain.

But the melancholy that had shrouded him when I'd first woken up seemed to have faded a little, and that was what mattered.

"Right, I'd better get back to my room and make my teru teru bozu before it gets too late! Thanks for tonight, Chan. And see you-..."

He grabbed my arm suddenly, pulling me towards him, and the word 'tomorrow' died on my lips.


I lifted my head with a start, and his sublime features filled my vision, his lips so close his breath gusted against my cheek.

Our eyes met, and my heartbeat was suddenly roaring in my ears.

Chan stared at me, his grip tight on my arm and his breath warm on my cheek as he searched my gaze silently.

"Chan? What is it?" - "Why...? Why are you trying so desperately to connect with me? I drink the Blanc you give me. Your fears of me collapsing from starvation should be gone. Your fears should be gone... but instead of staying away from me, you offer whimsical ideas like teaching me to write. And every night... every night... you're as desperate and determined as if it were you yourself learning..."

For the first time, I saw actual emotions wavering in his gaze.

For the first time, I felt as if he were actually meeting my gaze properly. As if he actually saw me.

"Mademoiselle... I don't understand you at all."

He was still searching my gaze, but it was his taut grip on my arm that told me just how confused he was. As if I was an enigma.

BCN | Temptation in the Dark | Chan x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now