Chapter 1: Strawberry Fields Forever

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My name is Lucy Ambrose and I'm about to tell you all about my story of these two boys and how they mean the world to me.

(1948. John: 8, Paul and Lucy: 6) "Ha! Beat you guys again!" "Geez Lucy! Y'don't need to brag 'cause you always climb the tree faster!" Paul yelled up to me. I settled into my usual place to talk with Paul and John, in our usual tree at Stawberry Field orphanage. We always come here to play and talk after classes are done. I had some news to tell them since I won't be seeing Paul in my classes anymore and John during lunch and after classes. "Guys I have to tell you something. You know how my mum works as a secretary for that big building down in Liverpool?" They both nodded and were taking every word I had to say seriously.

"Well, mum tells me they're moving their business to Ireland. So, we're moving to Ireland tomorrow." I said sadly. "But that means you won't go to classes with us or play in the tree anymore." Paul said frustrated, not towards me but the situation. John started crying, "I've lost my dad, I can't live with or see my mum much and now I'm losing one of my best friends."

I go down to John's branch and rub his shoulder slightly, he just pulls me in for a hug. He never shows his emotions with anyone but us, his auntie is very hard on him. "You can't leave us." Paul said. "Mum says I have to go Paul. I can't stay without her." I replied. "I'll take you in. My parents wont mind." Paul said with a cheeky smile on his face. "Really?" John stopped crying hearing this. "Yeah maybe I can stay. Your parents always say 'I'm welcome to stay.'" I replied. It was getting dark and we were heading back to Paul's, we always slept over at Paul's on Friday nights. My mum and John's aunt always knew where we were on Friday nights so we didn't have to phone them for permission.

When we got to Paul's, his dad was already playing music. His mum already had supper on the table and Mike, Paul's brother, had already eaten. "Sorry we're late mum." Paul said. "That's quite all right, dear." She replied kissing him on his chubby little cheek. After we had eaten dinner we went upstairs to talk. We always did this, and we were always open with each other because we were best friends.

"Lucy, whatever happened to your dad?" Paul asked. My hands fisted up and my knuckles were white. "He left." Was all I could reply without crying, yelling, or feeling sorry for myself. John knew what it felt like and moved on to another question. "John, I know it's a touchy question but, what's it like to be raised by your aunt?" I asked. He sighed and replied, "It's very different from everyone else. They aren't your parents, Mimi doesn't give me hugs and kisses like mum or Uncle George, she doesn't let me cry in front of her, I always get into trouble. It's like she never smiles and I don't get to see my uncle George much because of his job." I didn't expect him to answer at all and I'm grateful that I don't have to live like that.

After a few hours we decided to get into bed. Mike was still sleeping with Paul's parents but he had a bed in here so John always took the empty bed since he was oldest, Paul and I would always share his bed. Paul's mum came in and tucked us into bed and gave Paul a kiss before leaving and turning out the light. We loved to have quiet conversations in the dark. "I love music and I wish I could be in a band like my dad." Paul said. "Me too." John chimed in. "I think I'll be in a band when I get older." Paul said. John then asked, "Can I be in the band Paul?" "Sure John." Paul answered and I could feel the smile on his face. "Lucy can you be in our band too?" John asked. "Yeah! That'd be fun." I replied smiling.

I laid there thinking about what it'll be like living here and what mum will think of me not going to Ireland. After I came back from daydreaming I realized I was the only one awake so I just settled in and went to sleep. I guess I was dreaming because I was in this strange place with mum and we were in the streets begging for food and living in a cardboard box. Paul then woke me up, "Lucy, you were crying in your sleep. Are you ok?" I was so scared from the nightmare and afraid to start crying if I talked about it so I hugged around him like I do with mum when I have a bad dream. He hugged me as well and we fell asleep like that.

We woke up to John yelling, "Paul and Lucy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" "Shut up John!" Paul yelled. "Lucy your mum's here!" Paul's mum yelled. "I guess I'll go tell her now that I'm staying here. Come on guys." I said. We went downstairs and mum was at the bottom waiting for me and said, "Come on Lucy we have to go now." I said, "Mum, Paul said I can stay here so I don't have to go to Ireland." "I'm sorry Lucy but you mum needs you like I need Paul and Mike." Paul's mum replied and kissed Paul and Mike. "Guess this mean goodbye guys." I went to hug John who was already crying and then to Paul I gave him a hug and I made the hug long to thank him for last night, when I let go he was crying. As I waved goodbye to my best friends in the backseat I made myself a promise that I would come back here for good and see my best friends again.

(Author's note: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It's my first fanfic and I previously posted it on Instagram but I'm making this version better because it didn't have much character development in my original. Thank you to all who reads! - little_willow94 on Instagram or UltimateMcCartneyFan

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