Chapter 8: Here, There and Everywhere

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I know when it came to bands that it's hard to get a drummer but, "The Beatles", as the boys called their band, was well known and still going strong. So maybe there will be a lot of drummers that would try out.

As it got closer to the time to try out the drummers only 8 had shown up, well one of them has got to be good enough for my boys.

As we try them out, it turns out that 6 of the boys didn't make the cut because either none of them had experience on a drum kit or others didn't play the genre of music the boys were looking for but there was hope for 2 of them, so the John, Paul and George were going to play their music they had written and let the drummer improvise. One was named Jason and the other was Richard but he preferred his nickname, Ringo. As they played the music it turns out that I like Ringo's style of the way he plays the drums, his head moves to the beat and he improvised "If I Fell" and it sounded amazing. So we told the two we'd let whoever know that they got the spot. "I think we should let Lucy decide." Paul says to John and George. "I'm fine with that." John added. "They were both good but I like Ringo's style and he improvised 'If I Fell' so well." I stated. "Well, we'll let him know tomorrow then." John says. "Good choice darling." Paul says kissing me, making me smile.

(The Next Day)
Paul phoned Ringo to let him know he made the band and telling him when practices and gigs were. I also learned that Paul and I aren't the only couple in the band now, it turns out Ringo is dating a girl named Maureen who wants to go to the next band practice to listen to Ringo's new band. I decided I'd go to keep her company and answer any questions she has about the boys, luckily the next practice will be tomorrow.

There's one thing I've been meaning to do but just haven't gotten to it yet, "Paul, I need to go looking for a job." I say to him as we're relaxing in his and John's room. "You're not gonna move out and leave me when you get the money, are you?" He asks giving me his cute puppy-dog-eye look. "No, besides I love you too much to up and leave you anyways." I say kissing him and he kisses me back passionately and deeply, when we both stop to catch our breath he says, "I think we should have one special night to ourselves." looking at me with lust. "I'd like that." I say smiling at him. I look over at his notebook, "What're you working on?" I ask. "I'm writing a song about you." He says smiling at me. "Let's hear it." I say to him. "It's not done yet but I'll sing it just for you." He says winking at me, making me melt. He starts strumming and singing.

"To lead a better life, I need my love to be here.

Here, making each day of the year. Changing my life with the wave of her hand, nobody can deny that there's something there.

There, running my hands through her hair. Both of us thinking how could it can be, someone is speaking but she doesn't know he's there.

I want her everywhere and if she's beside me I know I need never care but to love is to need her everywhere, knowing that love is to share each one believing that love never dies, watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there."

I stare at him astonished, he is truly talented with music and the fact that he added me to his many masterpieces is beyond words. "How does it sound?" He asks taking in my expression. "It sounds amazing darling, I love it." I say happily. "I'm glad you like it." He says yawning. "Come on let's go to bed." I say pulling him to our bed. "Mmm yes please." He says giving me a wink and dirty smile. "You know I didn't mean that." I say to him, lightly punching his arm. "A man can dream, love." He says simply. I lay down next to him after getting changed, give him a kiss, and cuddle close to him.

Author's note:
I'm really sorry I haven't updated in months but I hope to post more since many of you like this so far. Hopefully you like this chapter, it's short but it's leading up to something :)

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