Chapter 14: Carry That Weight

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Paul's POV:
Usually I'm the one comforting John in these bad situation but the tables have turned and he's comforting me now. Last night was mostly a blur, I remember loud music and then the girl and I in my bed. I've truly fucked up this time, I've lost the love of my life. "It's ok Paul." John told me for the millionth time. "No it not. I 'ad her, then I lost her, then I 'ad her again, and now I've lost her again." I say in between sobs. After awhile of me laying there, blubbering like a child, John nodded off to sleep. So, after he did, I go to the drink cabinet and found some of John's special whiskey and decide to help myself for the night.

Lucy's POV:
It's the middle of October, the nights here are freezing but all through the numbness, my heart feels the most pain. I ended up finding an alley to live at, since some of the places I thought of were too predictable. I don't want to be found, hell, I want to stay lost forever or better yet, dead. Getting here wasn't easy either, I was going by a pub and was being chased by drunk, trashy men. I was almost raped but I was able to free myself, for the most part, they caught my leg and broken it in the process. As I was running away, I tripped and fell and to save my head I broke my arm. I'm  lucky to have gotten away from that lot.

Mo's POV:
I feel complete sadness. My best friend ran away and didn't come to me for help. I'm so worried for her, where is she staying? How is she eating? I know she came here with no relatives alive or in the country and she doesn't make much money which is what is making more frightened for her, so, I decide to go check on Paul. John answers the door when I get there, "Oh good, saves me from having to phone you." "What's going on?" I ask. "We need to find Lucy." He says bluntly. "Well, that's like going to find a needle in a 'aystack. 'Ow is he?" I ask. "Not good. He 'asn't been sober enough for me to get through to 'im. He doesn't sleep at night and just cries." He says. "Why don't we just start up our own search team?" I say on the spot. "That's a good idea, let me phone the others." He says and runs to the phone. We end up getting George, Pattie, Ringo, John, myself, and some employees from the shop that knew her. We also notified the police and told them we have a search party about the city.

(A few days later)
Paul's POV:
This is the first day I'm sober enough to think. I'm out of whiskey, maybe I'll be able to make some music. I end up with "Yesterday, We Can Work It Out, and I'm a Loser." I then decide to sing some of her songs she's written only to start crying again. What's the use? I'll never love again. John then comes in the house looking tired. "You all right, mate?" He asks. "Does it look it?" I ask, sobbing. "We 'ave a search team going at the moment." He says. "Any luck?" I ask with hope. "Not yet." He answers. My heart sinks again. I go back up to my bed and stare numbly at the ceiling.

(A few weeks later)
Lucy's POV:
Living where I am has its ups and downs, mostly downs but I get very good scraps of food from the restaurant next to me. Maybe because I'm more civilized than most homeless people. It has been so cold and some nights my body goes numb but the numbing feels good to not feel the heartbreak for a bit. All of a sudden, I hear muffled calling but I can't understand it due to my ears being numb. I then see figures walking toward me and my only defense is to run, even with my broken leg. As I start running, I trip over my broken leg, hit my head and black out.

John's POV:
"Lucy!" "Lucy!" That's all we have called out for the past few weeks. When we get our search team together, most of the time we barely get a "Hello" out before we begin the same thing, search for Lucy. Most of us have lost hope but I will press on longer for my best mate. He has been so depressed about this, he's done drinking but now he's bed ridden and not eating much. I have to keep trying I can't lose him, he's all I've got.

We start walking past an alley in the downtown area and someone says, "Hey, look!" We get closer to get a better look and even though she's thin, dirty, and looking gaunt, it's Lucy. She gets up looking like a confused animal about to run off, she trips on one of her legs and falls on her head, knocking herself unconscious. Luckily, the policemen are here and call for the paramedics. As we get closer, we notice she's hit her head badly, it's bleeding so much, I put my jacket around her to keep her warm. The paramedics aren't long and we get to the hospital within minutes. They pull her out on a stretcher and we follow. We end up sitting in the waiting room for hours when a doctor finally comes out to tell us the news. As he is talking to me I know I need to go get Paul.

Paul's POV:
These past few weeks have been rough. I've just stayed in bed and John has been making my meals as well as, trying to get me to eat my meals. I've had many nightmares keeping me awake most nights. I could have avoided all of this. John's been such a good mate to me, feeding me and searching for her while I just lay on my ass in bed. I'm pulled from my thoughts when John busts through the house, running up the steps to my room. "Paul! We've found her." He says happily. "Where is she? Where did you find her?" I ask. "We found her in an alley downtown. She 'as a broken leg, arm and-" "I need to go see her." I say interrupting him, getting dressed. "Paul?" He says. "What?" "She's in a coma."

(At the hospital)
As we go in, I feel uneasy. She may never resurface again, but I know I won't leave her bedside until she wakes up. They take us to her room and I'm blown back as to how she looks. She's very thin, very pale, and some of her fingers look a little blue/purple in color, she's deteriorated so quickly in only a few weeks. I sit in a chair next to her bed and start to cry, my love, what have I done? "John, I'll never be able to forgive myself for this." I say to him sobbing. "She'll be fine mate. The doctor says we're lucky to find her at this state, alive." He says. "Oh, God!" I say putting my hands over my face.

(2 weeks later)
I haven't left the hospital since I heard she was found. She's still in a coma but looking a little better than she did. Isn't as thin, or as pale as well as, many of her cuts and bruises are healing. I heard she tripped trying to run and ended up hitting her head, which probably caused her brain to go into this coma. At least she didn't bust her head open but it was bleeding pretty badly from the fall. Of course theres the occasional visitors but the main ones are John and Mo. The doctor always comes in to check her vitals, fluid and her broken arm and leg. I just wish I could see those beautiful blue eyes again.

Lucy's POV:
I begin to resurface, although, I can't control any movement in my body but I can still hear what's going on. All I hear is beeping and someone talking. "It'll be fine, Paul. She'll wake up, I know it." It was John talking. "I just feel so bad, I've put her through too much. I'm an awful person." It's Paul and it sounds like he's crying. Hearing him cry makes me want to comfort him and give him a hug. I then black out.

I can tell it's been a few hours but I resurface again and I hear whimpering and mumbling. Then I figure out its Paul because he shouts, "Lucy!" I think he was having a nightmare. I then hear loud breathing and then sobbing again. I just want to cuddle with him and let him know that I have forgiven him but I know deep down this is my fault. I wouldn't be here if I'd have been more mature and talked out the problem with him. I black out again.

I come to again, I think it's the next day. I feel something warm on my hand and this time I have more control of my body and I open my eyes.

Paul's POV:
My nightmare last night wasn't anything new to me but usually someone stays the night and will comfort me when I wake up. I was up all night keeping her warm and unable to face another nightmare. I then, see something catch my eye, her eyelids flutter and then she looks at me. "Lucy!" I yell excitedly. "Hey Paul." She says with a raspy voice but smiles. I haven't seen that smile in a long time. The doctor then comes in about to do his routinely check on her. "Ah, you're finally awake." He says, pleased, checks on her fluids and leaves. "Oh, Lucy." I say starting to cry. "I'm so sorry." Is all I can get out. "Hey, it's ok." She says comforting me but she can't move much because of her leg. She then starts crying, "What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm sorry, I've put you through this. I shouldn't 'ave left like that." She says. I lay down next to her and tell her, "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one that fucked up." She takes her good hand and wipes away my tears, then kisses me. "I forgive you." She says. "Thank you." I say happily. She then looks at me knowing that I'm tired. "Sleep darling, I can't go anywhere." She giggles. She strokes my hand to comfort me and I fall asleep within seconds.

Author's Note:
Sorry I haven't updated. I usually have Tuesdays off at work and they've needed me to cover for a few weeks but enjoy this long chapter!

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