Chapter 3: I Saw Her Standing There

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"Flight 31C. Liverpool, England." Ah, my flight back home. I have been waiting for this day since the day I had to leave for Ireland. I'm still pissed at Alex for stealing most of my money. I could only afford for the plane ticket and nothing else. I hope Paul or John won't mind me staying at one of their places.

When the plane finally lands I had my game plan all set for when I finally found John and Paul. Stay at one of their places until I find a job, get a job, get a place of my own, happy Lucy. I headed to Paul's to see if he was home but his dad didn't recognize me and asked me to leave, telling me Paul wasn't home. I then went to John's Aunt Mimi's house to find John. She remembered me and was telling me that John's mum died by a hit-and-run cop two years ago and his Uncle George passed a few years back as well, poor John all he had was his Aunt Mimi, Paul and I. She also told me that John moved out a few years back and visits every now and then. Great, now I don't know where to go. It's late and I have no place to stay.

I then remembered Strawberry Field, maybe I could sleep there. As I got there I realized that the orphanage is no longer available but at least no one is at our memorable tree. They locked the gates but I easily climbed over the wall to get in. I went to our tree which had our initials still carved in it. I lay at the bottom of the tree and decide it a good place to sleep since no one in their right mind would jump the wall and locked gates.

(Paul's POV): "Ta dad! I'm on my way to meet John and George!" I'm on my way to my mate George's apartment to practice for our bands next gig with John and George. George is a year younger than I am and I met George a year after Lucy left and have been mates with him ever since. I still miss Lucy terribly. I decide to walk through Strawberry Field to re-live the old memories I had there when I was younger. As I am walking past our tree I see a beautiful brunette sleeping below our tree. Is she homeless? I feel bad for her and decide to see if she's ok, so I wake her up.

"Hey wake up." I say while gently shaking her. She moans and then opens her eyes which are a beautiful blue color. She looks very familiar to me but I can't put my finger on it. "Oh!" She sits up startled that I'm in front of her. "Sorry, I was just making sure you're fine." I said concerned for her. "Yeah, I'm fine." She answers looking at me funny. "It doesn't look it, love. You've been sleeping out here all night." I say trying to figure out what's going on. "Yeah, well I 'ave no money at the moment." She answers. I feel pity for this poor girl and decide to let her stay at my place, "I'll take you in."

(Lucy's POV): "I'll take you in." He says giving me his hand. It sounds so familiar and then it hits me. "Paul?" I ask him. "Wait, how do you know my na- Lucy?" He finally understands but is shocked. "Oh my God, Paul!" I yell and then hug him. "I thought you were in Ireland." He asks me. "I was until my mum passed away recently." I answer sullen. "I'm so sorry." He says sincerely. That's what I love about Paul, he is always sincere with what he says. "I'm alright, I guess. She left me all her money in her will but then my ex stole most of the money-" "Your ex stole most of your money?" He disrupts me, angered. "It's a long story but to make it short, I'm here but I haven't a place to go." I say. "I'll take you in and this time it's for good." He laughs. "Where are you headed off to?" I ask pointing to his his guitar slung behind him. "I'm off to George's. Come on, I want you to meet him." He says happily. "Who's George?" I ask confused. "He only a year younger than us but he's in my band." He answers making me feel a little better about going to a strangers apartment with Paul. "You have a band now?" I ask but I smile since this is what he wanted all those years ago. "Yeah! I'm with John and George in John's band." He answers. Aw, John got his dream come true too! "We have a lot of catching up to do." I say smiling.

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