Chapter 7: If I Fell

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Paul's POV:
I wake up to the morning light. How long have I been asleep? I then remember last night's events. I look over and see Lucy is still sleeping, her head resting on my shoulder. I can hear and feel her slow breathing. This is my sweet serenity and I never would want this to end. I kiss her on her slightly parted lips and she starts to wake up. She's groggy at first but then looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes, smiles and says, "Morning."

Lucy's POV:
"Morning." He says smiling at me. I instantly melt looking at his wonderful hazel eyes. He leans down and kisses me. As we start getting up, Paul goes over and picks up my notebook with songs which is still opened to "I Will." "What's this?" He asks looking it over. I start blushing and say, "I wrote it yesterday before your concert." "Can I 'ear it?" He asks looking sincere. He knows I hate singing in front of people and that I'd only sing in front of him and John. I picked up Paul's guitar and started playing and singing "I Will."

"Who knows how long I've loved you. You know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime? If you want me to I will.

For if I ever saw you, I didn't catch your name. But it never really mattered, I will always feel the same.

Love you forever and forever, love you with all my heart. Love you whenever we're together. Love you when we're apart.

And when at last I find you, your song will fill the air. Sing it loud so I can hear you, make it easy to be near you, for the things you do endear you to me, Oh, you know I will. I will."

I look up to see Paul's reaction, it's mixed with happiness, love, and something I haven't seen before. "Lucy that's a great song." He says giving me a kiss. "I wrote it for you to use." I say. "Thank you. Will you teach me the song?" He asks. "Sure." I say and we start practicing.

Later that day
Paul has the song down better than I do and he sings it better than me. We then hear John finally getting home. "Paul? Lucy?" He yells. "Upstairs John." I yell to him. John comes up and sees Paul and I working over the guitar. "What's going on 'ere?" He says looking at us with a cheeky smile. I laugh and blush. "I knew it. You two are finally together." He exclaims. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "George and I were betting on 'ow long it would take you two love birds to get together." John explains. He then looks down at my music. "Who wrote this?" He asks. "I did." I say. "Another one?" He asks and looks it over. He then looks and Paul and says, "We should add her to our partnership, Paul." I laugh and then John asks, "Can you write a song for me to sing? Paul gets all the good songs." He says messing up Paul's hair. I laugh and say, "Sure."

I have been working on this song practically all afternoon. I did leave to eat dinner but I went back upstairs to work on the song and the boys came upstairs and kept me company. I kept at it for awhile until I notice the boys were both asleep. I can't think with both of them snoring. So I kiss Paul and go downstairs to work on the song. By the time I finish the song notes it was starting to get light out. I lay down on the floor next to the guitar and fell into an exhausted sleep.

Paul's POV:
I wake up to another day feeling well rested but also feeling something missing. I look over and realize, where's Lucy? I look around the room and she's nowhere to be found. I get up worried and start getting dressed. Why did she run off? Is it me? I run downstairs and am about to leave the house when John says, "Where you going?" "I 'ave to go find Lucy. I can't find her." I say frantically. John laughs and says, "She's in here you ninnie." I go to the main room and find her laying on the floor next to the guitar with the song notes on the table. I look at the circles under her eyes and am guessing she didn't sleep much. "I'll meet you at George's." I say to John. We decided to have a practice session today so I pick up Lucy bridal style and take her to my bed. I tuck her in the blankets, give her a kiss, and leave her a note for when she wakes up and leave for practice.

Lucy's POV:
I wake up to an empty bed. How did I get in Paul's bed? I look at the night stand to find a note from Paul. "You scared me this morning when I woke up to find you gone. I'm at George's if you need anything. Love Paul. I decide to get my lazy ass out of bed since I've almost slept the whole day and finish the song. I grab one of the boys' spare guitars and figure out what I want the song to say. I call it, "If I Fell." I have based my feelings about Paul in this song but for John to sing. I had to sing the song over and over to find where to put the lyrics and where the instrumental parts will be. I finally have it down after a few hours and hear the boys coming home. "Lucy we're back!" John yells. "I'm upstairs guys!" I yell to them. They come running up to find me with the guitar and song. "Hey love." Paul says kissing me. "You two need to get a room." John says. "We do. You're in it." Paul points out. "What are you playing?" John asks. "Your finished song." I answer happily. "Can I listen." He asks excitedly. I laugh, "It's your song silly." I say.

"If I Fell in love with you, would you promise to be true and help me understand? 'Cause I've been in love before and I've found that love was more than just holding hands.

If I give my heart to you, I must be sure from the very start that you would love me more than her.

If I trust in you, oh please. Don't run and hide. If I love you too, oh please don't hurt my pride like her. 'Cause I couldn't stand the pain and I would be sad if our new love was in vain.

So I hope you see that I would love to love you and that she will cry when she learns we are two. 'Cause I couldn't stand the pain and I would be sad if our new love was in vain.

So I hope you see that I would love to love you and that she will cry when she learns we are two. If I fell in love with you.

As I finish the song I never really paid attention to the boys' reactions. John just looked at me then to Paul and back. Paul looked at me with the same look he did earlier that I didn't understand before and that was that of someone who didn't feel lonely anymore, with love and lust in his eyes. "You'll always be mine and I'll never hurt you ever." He says giving me a hug and then a deep passionate kiss. "I love you Paul and I'm not going anywhere without you in my life. I figured out how much you've really meant to me and how much I've wanted to be with you. I hope this explains it all." I say truthfully.

Afterwards we got dressed for bed and the boys were taking about the band. "We need to find a drummer. So we put posts around town that we need a drummer only and that tryouts are 'ere on Saturday." John says. "We want to know if you'll help us judge and pick one?" Paul's asks. "I'd love to!" I say excitedly.

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