Chapter 5: P.S. I Love You

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"Well school was terrible, I didn't have many friends and they were never as fun as you guys. I was friends with this boy, Alex, all through elementary, middle and in high school we started dating. It was ok at first until I figured out he was abusive when things weren't going his way. I dated him up until my mum died, but I didn't really consider myself dating him when I hated the relationship to begin with, I only stayed with him so that I wouldn't get hurt. When mum died I told him we shouldn't see each other anymore and that I was going back to Liverpool he then pushed me down and stole most of my money that my mum gave me." I explained to them. "That's awful." John said with a sad look on his face. "Well I'm never going back there again." I said to them. "Good because if I ever see him, he won't forget me." Paul said angrily. "It's ok Paul, I can handle him myself." I said surprised by his outburst. I picked up John's guitar and started strumming a tune I wrote a few weeks ago. "You know how to play?" John asked. "A little. I used to play in my friend's band." I answer them. "I've never heard that tune before." Paul said trying to understand the new tune. "I wrote it." I answer. They both looked shocked at me. "What's it called?" Paul asked. "P.S. I Love You." I said. After playing a little more I was getting tired so I told the boys I was going to bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep quickly.

Paul's POV:
The clock read 3 am. John was snoring lightly and I was still going over the conversation he and I had after Lucy went to sleep. 'It feels unreal to have her here. It still feels like a dream.' John said. 'I know but it's great to have her back' I said. 'Do you think she'll let us use P.S. I Love You for the gig?' John asked. 'Knowing her probably' I said. 'Well I'm off to bed. Night Paul.' John said. 'Night John.' I said. I kept waking up every hour and checking on her but I was also thinking about many things going through my head. Why someone would hurt her was beyond me, she's a great person and too precious to harm, if I ever see this Alex I'm going to kill him. I'm just happy she wanted to stay with us instead of what family she had left, if any. I feel a lot better keeping an eye on her myself than anybody else. I then went to thinking about the last sleepover we had and how I helped her with the nightmare she had, at the time I thought I was being a good friend but now it means more to me the more I think about it. At that moment I realized she's more than just a friend to me. She's all I ever wanted all along. I just don't want to force it on her but I'll always know that she'll always mean something to me.

Lucy's POV:
I woke up to the lightly clouded skies, typical weather. John was snoring lightly. I look down at Paul who was looking up at me and judging by the dark circles under his eyes, he didn't sleep well. "Paul are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine, love." He said. I laughed at him trying to tough it out, he always did that as a kid. "What?" He said. "Nothing." I said. John started waking up. "Morning Paul and Lucy." He said stretching. John took a good look at Paul and started laughing, "Looks like sleeping on the floor backfired, hasn't it?" John said. "Oh come off it, John. He's helping me out." I said defending Paul.

As we were eating our breakfast the boys were talking about having a band session tonight, apparently they have a gig tomorrow night. "Say Lucy, can we use your song for the gig tomorrow night?" John asks giving me his puppy dog eyes. I was laughing at his attempt and said, "Sure, I'll teach you and George the chords." "If only we had a drummer." Paul sighed. "We'll find one, don't worry." John said.

(Later that day)
The boys sound great! They have P.S. I Love You down to perfection. Paul's tweaking the song a bit to make it sound more like them than a teenage girl writing it. "John? You think you can add your harmonica to the song a bit?" Paul asks. "Yeah. That's a good idea!" John said. The boys kept playing for awhile to figure out what other songs they wanted to play for the gig. "So Lucy, you going to the gig tomorrow?" George asked. "I'd love to!" I exclaimed. "We'll make sure you get front row." John assured me. I didn't know what he meant but I went along with it. "All right I'm calling it a night." George said packing up his guitar. "Me too." Paul yawned. When George left we went upstairs getting ready for bed, John was talking about the gig tomorrow, "We need to practice two hours before the gig and an hour backstage." "I'm fine with that, just don't make practice early, I'm beat." Paul said sounding tired. "Night guys." John said. "Night." I said. Paul went to the floor and I went to his bed.

I feel really bad for taking Paul's bed, I figure I'll give it back to him tomorrow. As I lay there listening to John's snoring and Paul's breathing and thinking about the last sleepover we had. I was thinking of what Paul did for me was a friendly gesture but now I think it means more. As I peek at Paul sleeping I'm now realizing the feelings I've had for him have been the same all along. I just hope he feels the same way I feel about him. I finally drifted off to sleep hoping for a brighter future with Paul.

Author's Note:
I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this. I was looking for a job (which I finally found :D) I promise you all that I'm writing more as I speak. I'll have another chapter up tonight and two tomorrow for making you all wait this long for an update.

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