Chapter 18: Tell Me Why

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I lay in bed next to Paul not able to sleep, the guilt is killing me and I'm trying so hard not to cry and make a scene out of this yet but Paul needs to know, what I don't know is if he will stay with me. I know we are still here for another two days and today is one of Paul's days off, tomorrow the boys have a concert and we'll be leaving for Miami after the concert. After a few more hours of laying in bed I couldn't take it anymore, I have to get up and get something to eat. I was watching the news on the tele when I heard Paul run to the loo. I go and get a glass of water and go to comfort him. I knew after this that he'll want to stay in bed and sleep off the night before. After an hour of on and off sickness he finally had enough and I help him to bed. I decide to make soup for him for dinner and after I start that I want to go write a song since I'm losing my mind at the moment. I was able to bring my guitar, so I tuned it and started playing some chords and writing to what chords I could make. I named it, 'Tell Me Why' John then came in. "'Ow is he?" He asks me. "He was sick earlier but he's resting now." I answer him sullenly. "Can I hear it?" He asks me. "Sure." As I'm about to start the others come in as well as Brian and Mo. "Hey Lucy. Hey John." Ringo greets us. "Hey guys." John answers. "Are we interrupting?" Brian asks. "No, I was about to listen to Lucy." John answers. "Where's Paul?" George asks. "He was sick earlier, he's resting now." I answer. "Can we 'ear your song, Lucy?" Ringo asks. "Sure." I answer smiling after what feels like ages. "Tell me why you cry and why you lie to me? Tell me why you cry and why you lie to me? Well I gave you everything I had but you left me sitting on my own. Did you have to treat me oh, so bad? All I do is hang my head and moan...." They all look at me astonished as I finish, except John, he looks sullen. "Lucy can I talk to you?" Mo asks me and grabbing my arm already at the same time, we go to Ringo and her room. "What's up with John and why did you write that? I know you too well and you didn't just make that up." She goes on. "Well, after we put Paul to bed last night, John kissed me and then I kissed him back and then I guess we 'ad a go last night." I say starting to cry. She pulls me into a hug, "I'm so sorry Lucy." she tells me probably feeling sorry for Paul. "I'll tell 'im but not right now when he's already sick." As we get back to Paul and my room, Brian has left but the other three are talking. "Hey lads." Mo greets them. "Hey." George says looking up from my guitar. Ringo goes to Mo and I go back to John. "I told Mo." I whisper to him. He just nods at me, "You know you can look at me." I tell him, he turns to me and says, "I feel like I've ruined our friendship and your relationship." "Hey, John, it's ok." I say pulling him in for a hug. I didn't notice until now but the others have left to do their own thing. "I'm still your friend and well, we'll see about Paul." I say not feeling too sure about it myself. He then starts crying, "Hey, shhh, it's ok John. I'm 'ere for you." I say stroking his hair. "I could lose my best friend and bandmate." He says in between sobs. I just rock him a bit to soothe him and bring him to his room once he started calming down. "Can you lay with me?" He asks, terrified. "Sure." I say to him and goat with him.

After two hours he finally calms down enough to sleep. I leave his room and go back to check on Paul. He's s sleeping so I just decide to leave his soup on the stove and go to bed.
(Paul's POV):
I wake up around 7:30 am and boy, am I hungry. I slept the rest of the day and night, poor Lucy didn't get to see me much. She was sleeping when I decided to get out of bed and go eat. There's soup on the stove and a note, 'I didn't want to wake you up last night. If you get hungry eat this. Love Lucy xoxo.' I heat it up and go tune my bass for rehearsal today. I see Lucy's guitar and notebook out. I wonder if she wrote a new song? I flip through and stop at the newest one, 'Tell Me Why' I read through it and realize that her songs always relate to me and her in some way. Either this song was about what happened last time or something else? I look at the clock and decide to head off to rehearsal.

(Lucy's POV):
I wake up at 9 and had one of the most dreadful nights sleep in a while. I just kept waking up either from dreams or guilt. I can't do it tonight, so, I'll do it tomorrow when we settle in. (After the concert) The lads did great, as usual. Now, we are off to Miami. As we are boarding the plane, Paul notices the circles under my eyes. "Tired love?" He asks me. "Yeah, it' been rough." I answer, as we sit down I feel some abdominal pains but I figure it's that time of the month already and take some aspirin to help I lay my head on Paul's and hope to sleep a little better.

Here's another filler for now just to tide you all down until she tell him. Sorry for the wait just trying to get my new story started up enough for people to hopefully like it enough to read. Hope you enjoy this one!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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