Chapter 4: Hold Me Tight

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So, as we walk to George's I wanted to catch up on how Paul was doing for the past 12 years. "How's your family doing?" I ask curious seeing as little Mike was still sleeping in his parents bed last time I saw him. "We're getting by." He said sadly. I didn't want to press him for any information he didn't want to share. "How long 'ave you been in John's band?" I ask. "A few years now. We were a skiffle group but most of them were John's mates and they didn't take it seriously so they left all except John, George and I. I started playing guitar a year or so before I joined the band." He said happily. "Why did John move out of Mimi's?" I ask curious as to why he moved out on the only family he's got. "Mimi was very hard on 'im. After his mum died he was emotional and Mimi would have none of it and he'd come here so much that he'd stay the night and I just offered 'im to stay to cope with his emotions better. Once you left he made a shell of his emotions and only showed a rough, angry side to 'im and got in loads of trouble in classes. I think seeing you will cheer 'im up." He said. I feel really bad for John, so many emotions that he can't share and so much hurt and so young in his life.

We finally make it to George's but it's on the other side of town which I 'aven't been to. "His house is near here that's why he lives in a nearby flat." Paul answers my confused look. As we make it into his flat two boys are working over their guitars. One boy has brown eyes, brown hair and prominent cheek bones and the other has familiar sandy brown hair, hazel eyes and glasses. They are now staring at me and the one with glasses asks, "Who's this Paul?" He sounds like John but with obviously a deeper voice than his younger 8-year-old voice. "Doesn't she look familiar?" Paul says to John, winking at me because they're playing a game. "She does." He says trying so hard to figure who I am. I giggle and say, "Hey John." "Lucy?" He looks so surprised and he looks younger all of a sudden. I smile and nod and he gives me a big bear hug. "'Ow've you been?" He asks smiling now. "Eh fine I guess." I answer. He just stares at me taking in every word but looks so shocked like he can't believe I'm in front of him. "I know." Paul scoffs. Paul then introduces me to George, "George this is Lucy." We shake hands and then he says, "So, this is the girl that you 'avent shut up about for the past maybe 12 years." John, George and I laugh while Paul blushes. "You don't mind if we practice for a little, do you?" Paul asks. "It's your band Paul, don't need to ask my permission." I joke.

(Later that evening)
John, Paul and I walked back to Paul's house. As we walk back I go through what I witnessed at George's. Seeing both Paul and John playing and writing music was new to me. They were dependant on each other and shared a close bond that I will never understand. As we go inside Paul's dad asks, "Who's this?" Probably wondering why I'm back. "Dad you remember Lucy?" Paul asks. "Lucy?" He's still not understanding. "Ambrose." Paul answers frustrated. "Oh Lucy! Sorry about earlier dear." He apologizes sincerely. Paul's looks at me questioningly and I give him a look saying, 'I'll tell you later.' Paul's dad then says, "You look just like your mum."

After we ate dinner and watched the tele for a bit we decided to go upstairs to Paul's room, which is now shared with John. Mike now sleeps in the spare room. I had been wondering where Paul's mum was at, it was pretty late for her to be working but before I could ask Paul says, "Lucy you can have my bed for now. I'll sleep on the floor. "Aww Paul I feel bad." I say to him feeling terrible for him sleeping on that uncomfortable floor. "Don't love. It's fine." He says making his answer final. "'Love?' Is she your bird now Paul?" John asks laughing. Paul blushes and I finally ask, "Paul? Where's your mum? It's late isn't it?" John then stops laughing and looks at Paul and Paul is looking down and answers, "She isn't. She passed away a few years back." He starts crying and I feel awful for asking so I get up and hug him. I make sure to wait and won't let go until he was done crying. When he stops crying he gives me a longing look in his eyes and John then says, "Are you two going to kiss or what?" "Shut up John!" Paul yells at him throwing his shoe at him which John dodges. John then asks, "Well Lucy let's hear what's been happening with you."

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