Chapter 17: Devil in Her Heart

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Lucy's POV:
When I woke up, Paul was still sleeping but he was laying his head on my shoulder. I gave him a kiss to wake him up, "Where are we?" He asked, groggy. "We're almost there." John said, excitedly. It took about 30 minutes for us to wake up but also to land and as we landed, there's a sight that probably hasn't been seen before, thousands of fans screaming and with signs as we land in America. As we got off the plane, we are bombarded with fans trying to get through the police lines so we rushed to our car and drove away quickly before the fans could get to us. New York City looked magnificent, better than what's been described of it, as we got to our hotel our rooms gave us a wonderful view of the skyline, the others have separate rooms. Brian came into our room, "Alright there's rehearsals tomorrow for the Ed Sullivan show then the show itself that night, a concert in two days and we're off to Miami the day after." He tells us the agenda for New York, he closes the door and goes to tell the others. "We only 'ave tonight then, love." Paul says to me. Its already 8 pm so, we just decide to talk for a bit before we decide to go to bed.

(The next morning)
I wake up to an empty bed and bright light coming through the window. Paul left a note for me, "My lovely Lucy, I left for rehearsals, phone for food whenever you wake up. Your ticket for tonight is on the night stand. Can't wait to see you tonight. Love Paul xoxo." I know what I want to wear tonight, I want to make sure Paul sees me in the crowd.

Paul's POV:
We have 30 minutes until the show starts and I still can't find Lucy. "Where is she?" I ask again. "She'll be here Paul, you'll just 'ave to wait until after the show." John assures me. "Let's practice one more time." Ringo says. (30 minutes later) Mr. Sullivan is introducing us and welcoming the crowd and viewers to the show. We're performing "All My Loving, Till There Was You, She Loves You, I Saw Her Standing There, and I Want to Hold Your Hand." I don't know how many Americans are going to watch us but after what we saw at the airport, I know it's not going to be an issue. "Ladies and gentlemen, The Beatles!" I hear screaming but after that, I start counting, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Close your eyes..." The crowd goes wild. I'm searching for Lucy, I don't have to look long until I find her next to Mo. She's wearing a beautiful blue dress and is waving to me, I wink at her in return but notice the girls surrounding her are jumping and screaming, probably thinking it's for them. After the show, we have them brought to us to meet Mr. Sullivan.

Lucy's POV:
"You lot were great!" I yell and go to hug and kiss Paul. I then see Mr. Sullivan with them, "Nice to meet you Mr. Sullivan." I say shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Lucy and Maureen." He says smiling to the both of us. Ringo says, "We've been invited to an after party, want to join us?" "Sure." We both say excitedly. (At the party) Paul and I are dancing and kissing a lot, "You're so beautiful." He says looking at me with lust in his eyes. "You look pretty handsome yourself." I say to him. "You're just saying that." He says laughing. "Am not." I say then kiss him. "Want a drink?" He asks "Sure." I say. We all are drinking like it won't exist tomorrow but I still have a great time at the party with Paul.

(A few hours later)
We are all drunk but Paul is passed out at the bar and I'm so tired and want to go back to the hotel. "Lucy!" John says coming over to me, he doesn't look as bad as the others, he probably hasn't hit his limit yet. "John. can you hell me with Paul?" "Sure, we are about to leave anyway." He tell me. John and I put Paul's arms around our shoulders and drag him to the car. Everyone else is a little too clumsy walking to help. As we get to the hotel, John and I drag Paul to bed. He reeks of alcohol, I take his suit off and put his pajamas on, I give him a kiss before going to John. "Thank you so much John." I say. "Lucy..." He trails off and stares into my eyes. Then he does what I never expect, he kisses me and I let him go along with it since I'm so drunk. "What was that for?" I ask. "You've been there for me for years and since you came back, you've always been on my mind I just wanted to do that." He says. Now, what I do is way out of line, I start kissing him and making it deeper. We then go to John's room, which is next door, we don't waste any time taking our clothes off and getting into bed, after that I black out.

The next thing I know is waking up next to a sleeping, naked John. What had I done? I only remember kissing him. Did I do what I think I did? I start crying which wakes John up, "What's wrong Lucy?" "I fucked up! That's what I did." I say bawling uncontrollably. "Did we..?" He trails off. "I think so, I don't remember." I say. "I'm so sorry Lucy." John says hugging me, which I didn't notice until now but, I'm naked as well. "Sorry." He apologizes noticing me looking at myself. The clock on the night stand reads 4:30 am. "He deserves to know, John. I've betrayed him this time." I say as tears start again. "I support you in any way I can." He tells me. "Thanks." I say as I'm getting dressed, leaving and giving him a hug.

Cliffhanger! Sorry about that but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took a bit just been a bit busy but nonetheless I wanted to come through for you all. I'll post again Tuesday or earlier hopefully.

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