Chapter 10: It Won't Be Long

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Lucy's POV:
The boys are leaving in two days and that means I don't have much time to be with Paul and and I want to savor every second I can with him. "We'll only be gone for a couple weeks darling. I'll be back before you know it." He says to me. He gets his guitar out and sings to me, "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you. Remember I'll always be true and then while I'm away, I'll write home every day and I'll send all my loving to you. I'll pretend that I'm kissing the lips I am missing and hope that my dreams will come true and then while I'm away, I'll write home every day and I'll send all my loving to you." "You promise?" I ask him. "I promise." He says to me. "So, I was thinking that we could 'ave that special night tomorrow night?" He askes me wiggling his eyebrows. "Yes we can 'ave it." I say smiling to him. "I'll kick John out for the night then." He says to me.

(The Next Day)
Paul's POV:
"John I need to ask you something." I tell him as I walk into our room. "What Paul?" He says while packing his things. "First, I need to ask you to stay the night at George's." I tell him. "Why?" He asks. "Lucy and I need a night to ourselves." I answer. "Ooo Paulie's got a date tonight." He says with a girly tone then wiggles his eyebrows at the end. "Come off it, John!" I say shoving him. "Alright, but we need to leave early in the morning. Anything else?" He asks me. "Yeah. You 'ave any extra condoms?"

Lucy's POV:
Paul took me to out to dinner and as we were getting home he said, "Don't think our night is over yet." I just smile and waited for what was coming next. "Ok, close your eyes." He tells me. I do so and he puts something in my hands. "Ok, you can open them now." He says. I open my eyes to find a box wrapped up. "Oh Paul, you didn't 'ave to do this." I say to him. "But I wanted to and I thought it would help you while I'm away." He explains. I open it to find a notebook and some pens. "To help keep my promise, I had to get it for you. But there's something under it." He tells me, smiling. I look under everything and find a heart necklace there. "Oh Paul, it's beautiful!" I say hugging him. "Here." He says opening the heart which turns out to be a locket, with a picture on one side with Paul John and I when we were kids and the other side was a picture of Paul. "That's so I'm always there." He says to me. "You'll always be there." I tell him giving him another hug and a kiss."Thank you." I say to him. He puts the locket around my neck and looks at me, "You're so beautiful." He says to me, which made me blush.

Afterwards, we watched the tele for a bit, and we ended up getting bored with that so we decide to go up to the bedroom. When we get there, we start kissing and as we are kissing I let him make the kiss deeper by opening my mouth for him. He kept going a little deeper and I started moaning a little with every kiss he was making. Then he was laying me on the bed and continuing to deeply kiss me. I could feel his bulge on my thigh and I started taking his clothes off and he was taking mine off, as we are doing that, we are still kissing each other. "You ready for this?" He asks me breathlessly. "Yes." I say, blushing. That night was the first night we made love and it's one of the best nights of my life.

(The Next Morning)
Lucy's POV:
I wake up feeling nothing but blissful happiness. I look at Paul, who is still sleeping, and remember everything that happened last night in great detail. It was amazing but the feeling didn't last long because I just remembered where he's going and how long he'll be gone. He then, starts to wake up when I'm having my little moment. "Morning love." He says smiling, his hair is a mess but I would guess mine is as well. "Morning." I greet him with a kiss. "Well, better 'ave some breakfast before we leave." He says getting up. We go downstairs and make breakfast, he keeps assuring me he won't be gone long and that he'll still love me when he gets back. He's not the only one that has to be without him for a long time and I was still nervous. We heard the "beep" from a van. "Well, I gotta go. I love you Lucy Ambrose." He says. "And I love you James Paul McCartney." He smiles and kisses me while someone outside "beeps" again, probably irritated of waiting. "I promise you I'll write." He says on the way to the van. I watch as the van drove away until I couldn't see it anymore.

Paul's POV:
Our drive to Hamburg is going great. We've been singing, playing cards and having a great time. I always have Lucy on my mind, though, and I want to talk to Ringo and ask how he's dealt with Maureen. "Ringo, 'ave you ever been away from Maureen before?" "No, I 'aven't. This is our first time. What about Lucy?" He asks. "It's the same for her, but I promised I'd write to her." I say. "I told Mo the same thing." He says. "I should tell Lucy that this is Mo's first time as well." I say. We arrived to Hamburg in the morning and I send my first letter to Lucy as soon as possible.

Lucy's POV:
I receive Paul's first letter and with the description he gave me, his trip there seemed well and that this was Ringo's first time away from Maureen. I should pay her a visit after work, that is.

(After Work)
I'm heading to Maureen's now, it'll be nice to have some girl time with her. I knock on the door and as she answers the door, I notice she looks sad. "Hey Lucy." She says. "Hey Maureen, mind if I come in and talk?" I ask. "Sure. Want some tea?" She asks as I sit down on their couch. "Yes, I would love some." I answer. She brings the tea out and I ask, "What's wrong?" She then breaks down into tears, "Oh Lucy! I miss him so much." She says in between sobs. I let her cry on my shoulder as I comfort her. "I don't know how you can do this without him?" She exclaims about me dealing with Paul's absence. "It's been hard but I know that I still love him and he loves me." I answer. "He gave me this to keep him in mind." I say showing her my locket. "Is that you?" She asks about the picture of us as kids. "Yeah. We were childhood friends until I moved to Ireland when I was 6." I say remembering the day over again. "How did you get back?" She asks, it seems to help distracting her. "My mum passed away and left me all the money she had left." I tell her. "I'm so sorry about your loss." She apologizes. She looks like she wants to say something else. "What is it?" I ask. "Well, it's just that I don't 'ave many friends." She says. "Well, I'm one of them now and if you ask me about some advice, I'd say skip the rest of school and learn to become a hairdresser." I say. "I think I'll do that." She says with confidence. "Thanks Lucy." She says smiling. "You're welcome. Now let me hear about you Maureen." I ask. "Well, actually my real name is Mary. I prefer Maureen and my nickname by my friends and Ritchie is Mo." She says. "Ok Mo." I say. She and I are giggling and smiling knowing that we're friends.

John's POV:
(A Few Days Later)
Our gigs have been going well and we've been taking these pills that let us stay up longer since the shows last practically all night. As I'm getting ready for our next show, I'm being called to our manager who tells me our contract is being extended by a couple more weeks. I have to go tell the boys the great news. "Lads, I just talked to our manager and 'ave been told that our contracts 'ave been extended by a couple of weeks." I say excitedly. George looks to be the only excited one. "What's wrong lads?" I ask. "We miss our birds John." Paul answers. "We 'ave to keep going, I also heard we might be able to record with another band." I say. "Fine but not much longer." Paul says

Lucy's POV:
The boys are to be home within the next week. I go to fetch the mail to see what Paul is saying about his almost homecoming. As I read the letter I learn that the boys' contract has been extended. I won't be able to see them for a few more weeks. I don't know how long I can wait for him to come home before I explode.

Author's Note:
Hope you all enjoyed this extra long chapter. It used to be two chapters but I thought it'd be better to combine them. Enjoy!

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