Chapter 11: You Won't See Me

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Lucy's POV: (A few weeks later)
The boys are to be home tomorrow and I can't wait to see my Paul. Maureen and I have become very close and she decided to quit school to learn how to become a hairdresser. Paul and the boys were apparently doing well in Germany. Paul told me that they had shows every night and that they were taking pills to help them stay awake. I was worried but as long as they're having fun, I'm all for for it. I did have my suspicions when one week all he talked about was Astrid, a girl who watched the boys at the night club, became friends with them as well as, took pictures of them in Germany and she even helped them change their fashion by having them wear all leather. That's something you don't see anybody wearing in England but it's what is popular in Germany, and who am I to judge them? Maureen assured me not to worry though. My job has been great so far. We've gotten some people that come in for the song The Beatles sang and recorded in Germany but Brian didn't know who they were so, I explained to him all about John, Paul, George, and Ringo. I also did learn that Brian manages some bands so I told him when the boys get home if he was interested, to go check them out at the Cavern club. I also, had written a couple of songs on the nights I felt lonely and thought I was losing Paul.

Paul's POV:
I'm happy with the progress the band is making but I really miss my Lucy. We're on our way home and we aren't going to be sleeping much since our pill is still in effect after we finished our last show in Germany. I figure since John and I live at the same house, we'll just let George and Ringo spend the night at ours. So we're just going to spend the night singing and playing music on our way home.

(The next afternoon) We're finally home! Back in Liverpool and we're so exhausted after that trip home. We'd doze off in the van, only to be woken up by a bump every few seconds. "George, Ringo. If you lot want to spend the night at ours, you're free to." I tell them. As we pull up, Lucy opens the door from the house and is running for me. Her hair has grown since the last I've seen her, but she still looks like the Lucy I fell in love with. She came up to me and starts to kiss me, it didn't last long due to one of the lads clearing his throat in discomfort. We then, went to go unload the van. "Here Lucy." I say handing her a gift. She opens it to find new leather clothes. "Oh Paul! They look fantastic!" She says kissing me. As we got inside she had a good look at me. "You alright, Paul?" She asks rubbing her fingers over the circles under my eyes. "I'm fine, love." I answer going to the kitchen to help with dinner. We ate our dinner and are talking about the trip until I notice George couldn't keep his eyes open. Lucy noticed as well and said, "Come on boys. I already have your beds made." She helps us to bed and I know it's really early to be going to bed but we haven't slept in more than 24 hours. As I lay down in bed, Lucy sits next to me rubbing my head and humming a soft tune to help me sleep.

Lucy's POV:
It's only 6:30 but the boys decided to go to bed. I don't blame them since those pills take a toll on you. I'll just go out and meet with Mo to tell her the boys are home. (At Maureen's) As we sit, we just start with the usual chit-chat, how we're doing, and how our jobs are going. I finally tell her, "The boys just got back a few hours ago." "Really? Can I go see Ritchie?" She asks. "Well, they're asleep now. I put them to bed after we finished dinner because of those pills." I say. "Well, 'ow about I spend the night at yours so that when Ritchie wakes up, I'll be there?" She asks. "Yeah." I answer smiling. We've had a couple sleepovers over the past few weeks and it has helped me when I needed someone to talk to as well as, when Maureen heard about Astrid as well and that Ringo also had gotten leather clothes from her, it helped me when I thought I'd lost him. So, Maureen packs her overnight things and we head to my place. As we arrive, we decide to go upstairs to check on the boys and they're snoring pretty loudly. Normally, I'm used to Paul and John but it was pretty loud with very tired and extra boys. I kiss Paul on the cheek and Mo kisses Ringo's nose and we head back downstairs to set up our beds.

We decide to make popcorn and watch some shows on the tele. We get bored after a few hours of the tele and I decide to bring my new guitar out and sing to Mo one of the new songs I wrote. To be honest, I don't have many girls that are friends with me so, this is a new thing to me. "You're very good." She says to me smiling after I finish. I laugh and say, "Well, I think otherwise and I'd rather not be in band anyways. It does keep me busy though." I say. She says, "No, youre very good, really. I do understand about not wanting to be in a band. I mean think of both you and Paul being away from each other while at different places." We talk about the boys for the rest of the night. Luckily, I don't have work over the weekends because we stayed up really late. It was half past 3 when we decide to go to bed.

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