Chapter 15: You Really Got a Hold On Me

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Lucy's POV:
It doesn't take him long to fall asleep, my poor darling has been worried about me when I was a complete ass to him. Love does that though, no matter what is said or done, love overpowers everything else. Mo came in to check on me, "Lucy?" She quietly shouts as she took in Paul sleeping next to me. "Don't worry, be's had a rough night." I say. She stays with me for a bit talking, catching up on how she's progressing on becoming a hairdresser. After a few hours John came in, "Hey Lucy." He said excitedly then looking at Paul, "I see you two are doing fine now." I nod remembering everything from the cheating to the running away to hiding it was all just a memory now. "He was a mess after you left, drinking, he was getting too weak to get out of bed, even." John starts telling me about Paul. I start to tear up at what pain I caused Paul. "It's ok Lucy." John starts comforting me. "I fell so horrible John." I say. "It's all in the past, Lucy. What matters is that you both love each other. Now, to a better note, the doctor says you'll get your cast off tomorrow, it wasn't as bad as we thought your head trauma might be." He says to me to change the subject. "You do however, have to keep the arm cast on for another two to three weeks. Once, you get walking again, you'll be able to go home." He finally gives me the news I want. "Ta Lucy, I'll be back tomorrow." John says leaving. "Bye John." I say and lay my head down next to Paul's and go back to sleep.

(Three weeks later)
I'm finally getting my arm cast off, bloody thing has been itchy this whole damn time but otherwise it has been a good recovery. Paul was giving me the loving and attention as I was starting to walk. Once I got that leg cast off, it didn't take me long to start walking. I finally started eating normal again and was able to keep my job at NEMS and start working again. Brian had come back a little after I ran away, his band he was managing couldn't get a record deal and ended up breaking up. After getting on my feet, the boys had to start practicing again since they spent most of their time looking for me or taking care of Paul. I told Brian he should see them after a week of them starting back up again and a few gigs at the Cavern Club. "Lucy." Brian calls me to his office. "Yes sir?" I answer as I enter his office. "I'm going to see The Beatles at lunch today." He tells me. "That's great sir. You won't be disappointed." I tell him. "Take care of the store while I'm gone." He says. (A few hours later) Brian has been gone for three hours now. I hope he wasn't disappointed with them. I'm then brought out of my thoughts by the bell ringing as the door closes. I look over to see that it's Brian, "Hey Brian. How were they?" I ask. "They were very good. I've asked the leader if he wants a manager? He said they'd let me know tomorrow. You may leave now, dear." He says excusing me. "Thank you sir." I say excitedly. (At home) "Lucy!" Paul calls me. "Yes, darling." I answer as he's running down the stairs to me. "We were offered a manager earlier." He says excitedly. "I heard." I say. "How?" Paul asks. " He's my boss and I referred you to him." I say, smiling. "Oh, thank you Lucy!" He says kissing me passionately as I break the kiss to breathe he then says, "We're going to see him tomorrow to give him our answer." He says.

Paul's POV: (The next morning)
John and I are getting ready to go see Brian and tell him our answer but we're also waiting for George and Ringo. Lucy already left for work so at least we'll see her there. "Where's George and Ringo?" John asks impatiently. "Be patient, they'll be 'ere." I tell him. Ten minutes later they show up and we take the bus downtown. As we get to the record store we go inside wearing nice suits and John takes note if Lucy's work clothes, "Lookin' hot Lucy." I step in his foot and in return, get a satisfying,  "Ow." I go to Lucy and ask, "Where's 'is office?" She then takes us back and I kiss her cheek in thanks to her. "Mr. Epstein." John says shaking his hand. "Ah yes, come in a take a seat." He says. "Have you decided then?" He asks us. "Yes sir, and we 'ave all thought about it and we would be delighted do you to be our manager." I say.

I know it's a short chapter but I'm just getting back into the swing of writing again. Sorry this took longer than it should have taken just have been having a rough time but all is well and I'm ready to get back at it. Anywho, is there any interest for a Supernatural or My Chemical Romance fanfiction for anyone reading this? I'm not giving up on this story but I've been writing some others and figured I'd ask if there's any interest if not I may make a seperate account for them. Hope you all enjoy, I plan on writing another chapter sometime this weekend!

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