Chapter 16: A Hard Day's Night

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(January 1964- Cynthia: 24 John and Ringo: 23, Paul and Lucy: 21, George:20, Pattie: 19, and Maureen: 17)

Lucy's POV:
The boys and Brian have been having great success with their band. They've gotten a record deal and have 2 albums out and becoming very popular in England. Paul and I have become inseparable over the past few years and the other lads have girls of their own. Mo is still with Ringo, George met Pattiea few years back at a pub, and John met Cyn at Art school. I knew Ringo wanted to marry Mo but wanted to wait until she was 18 which isn't long. Paul and I were having a conversation, "I 'ave great news, love." He tells me. "What is it?" I ask. "We're touring America! Getting ready to release our new album!" He says excitedly. "The best part is that you can go with us." He says to me. "Really? Oh, that's great Paul!" I exclaim. It turns out the boys have been selling many records in America and it was time to tour the huge country. We're stopping at New York City, Texas and a few others. I just hope to get some time with Paul, hes been so busy now that the band has been doing so well that I need some time with him. "It's just Mo and you going. Pattie has some modeling jobs and Cyn is taking it easy for the baby." I forgot to mention that Cyn is pregnant, John married her when they found out.

(A few days later)
We are leaving for America in the morning. All our bags are packed and we are ready to go. "Paul?" I ask. "Yes, Lucy." He says. "Do you think we could 'ave some time together in America?" I ask. "I can try my best to get a night off." He tells me caressing my face. "We better get to bed so, we're not as tired on the flight." I say to him. Paul grabs my waist, pulls me in a kiss as I squeal, happy as can be and says to me, "Let's 'ave some fun tonight." "Can't we save that for a night in America?" I ask. He kisses me and says, "Sure." We then lay in bed and go to sleep.

(The next morning)
The alarm goes off and I wake Paul up bu kissing him and saying, "Come on Paul. We need to make the plane." "Alright." He moans not wanting to wake up. As we go through the airport, we're surrounded by screaming fans and paparazzi cameras flashing with questions being asked, "Who's the gal?" "Paul are you in a serious relationship?" "Ringo who's the lovely lady?" So many questions that were shouted at us so quickly but we ignored them as we board the plane. "You don't see that everyday." I laugh at the lot if crazy people outside the plane, Mo's eyes show shock. "You'll get used to it darling." Ringo comforts her. As we get to our seats Paul still looks worn out, "Tired Paul?" He just nods and lays his head in my lap. I pull a book out as our flight takes off. I'm reading my book for about three hours when I need to take a break so, I just let my mind wander. Paul and I have been going steady ever since my stint in the alleys of Liverpool. We haven't really fought at all, we've been working hard and showing our affection to each other like we should. I am curious as to how my name will sound with his, Lucy McCartney. It sounds weird but maybe I'll get used to it whenever the time comes. I decide to sleep since I know the flight will be long still.

Another short chapter but I wanted to keep my promise and update as soon as I could. Hope you all enjoy this chapter, I'm hoping I can update again for you all this weekend.

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