Chapter 9: The Fifth Beatle

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Lucy's POV:
Waking up the next morning was rough but opening my eyes and seeing Paul sleeping peacfully made the morning so much better. I knew I was going to look for jobs today but I'm going to start with businesses I like such as record shops or guitar shops.

I wake Paul up by kissing him, "Morning sweetheart." I say smiling. "Morning love." He says yawning. As I get out of bed, I start looking in my wardrobe for my interview clothes. When I find them, I go to the bathroom to shower and afterwards I get dressed and apply small amounts of makeup to my face.

As I go back into the room Paul sits up in bed and looks so cute with his hair all tousled and sticking out in different directions. "What're you getting all fancied up for?" He asks me. "I'm looking at a few places today for jobs darling, I promise I won't miss your practice tonight." I answer him, giving him a kiss before I leave.

(Later that day)
It's almost time for the boys' practice and I have already been to 2 guitar shops and 2 record shops, I'll admit I know I haven't got the job at any of them but there's still hope for the last record shop in town, it's called North End Music Stores (NEMS). As I go inside, I'm greeted by an employee, "Can I help you with anything?" He asks. "I'm looking to see if you're hiring someone who has experience with music to work here." I say. "Let me talk to the boss, I'll be right back." He says.

I am taken into the manager's office and am greeted by the manager himself. I go to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you Ms?" "Ambrose. Lucy Ambrose." I say smiling then go to sit in a chair. "My name is Brian. Now Lucy, why do you want to interview here?" He asks me. "Well, I've taken many music classes, I can play a few instruments and with Rock and Roll starting to become popular I can help with what people like and don't like which should help your profits with selling records." I say sincerely. He sits there thinking for a minute, stands and says, "I think you'll be perfect for this shop. You'll start Monday." I stand up, shake his hand and quickly look at his desk saying, "Thank you Mr. Epstein." I start to head home, happily employed.

As I get home, I notice the boys are tuning their guitars. I made it in time! I think I'll surprise Paul with the news. "Hey Lucy! How'd your interviews go?" Paul comes over and asks me. I give him a sad look and sigh, "I've tried at two guitar shops and two record shops." I say. He gives me a sad smile. "You'll find a job, love." He says kissing my cheek. I then say, "I may have left out that I did get a job at the last record store." "Oh Lucy, that's gear!" Paul says. Ringo then asks, "Which one?" "North End Music Stores." I answer. Paul then picks me up, spins me around the room, kissing me, and I can't help but smile. We are deep in our kiss when John clears his throat, "Let's practice Macca."

I sit next to a girl who looks younger than me, she's still in her school uniform. I look over at her while the boys start practicing. "Hi, I'm Lucy." I say greeting her. "I'm Maureen." She says shyly to me. "You're with Ringo, correct?" I ask. "Yeah, we've been together for a couple of months now." She says smiling. I have to ask, "You still in school?" "Yeah but I already know what I want to do when I'm finished." She says eagerly. "What's that?" I ask. "A hairdresser." She answers, smiling at the thought. "Oh, and congrats on getting your job." She says to me. I have a feeling we're going to be very good friends.

The boys sound very good at this practice, I did have to help John a bit with "If I Fell", but they were gear. Ringo sounds amazing with them, he truly is good with his talent of drumming. As their practice was finished John had an announcement for all of us, "Good job on the practice tonight guys and welcome Ringo. I have a surprise that I just found out today and that is... We're going to Hamburg!" He says excitedly dancing. "When?" I ask, trying to be enthusiastic. "August 17." John answers still dancing. The boys are all cheering and happily chattering about going to Germany. I was happy for them but I just didn't know how long they would be gone.

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