Chapter 13: Cry Baby Cry

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AN: Just a little heads up I'll be changing POV's a lot to bring in another character as well as skipping a year. Don't kill me please. Enjoy!

George's POV:
I'm on my way back to my flat after our first band practice back in Liverpool. It feels so good to be back but I wish I could have a bird to come home to like Lucy or Mo. Ah, it'll happen eventually. After I returned to my flat I decide I might as well go to the pub for a couple of drinks, they never ask for my ID since I'm very close to being 18. As I get in there and go to the bar, I decide to sit next this pretty blonde bird. "Hello." She says smiling to me. "Hi. Name's George." I say pulling out my hand to shake hers. "Pattie." She answers. Her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen. We spend most of the night talking but they were about to close the pub and I decide to pull her in for a dance, although I'm not a very good dancer. After we finish our dance we exchange numbers and I figure in a few days, I'll take her on a proper date. I decide to walk her home and we talk more on the way. She's genuinely a nice person and I really like her.

Lucy's POV:
After their band practice, George, Ringo and Mo left. John went upstairs to try out my new guitar while Paul and I stay in the front room. "Where did you get your guitar?" He asks me. "Brian knows a guy at one of the guitar stores and told me it was on sale. I needed one to keep me busy." I say not looking at him. I don't want him to know how much pain I was in when I thought I lost him. As I look at him he's looking at me with this guilty expression. "I know about the guitar, the songs, and everything. Mo told me." He says to me putting his hand under my chin so I look up at him. So, that's why when I woke up that morning, I was in his lap. "I also heard you sang in front of her." He says looking happily, changing the subject. I just smile and look away embarrassed. I'm not one to sing in front of other people even John and Paul. She also is one of the few girls that is friends with me. "Ta Paul." I say kissing him, leaving for work.

(At NEMS) "Lucy!" Brian calls from his office. "Yes, sir." I say sitting down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I'm going to have to delay seeing your band for a bit." He says. I don't mean to pry but I decide to ask, "Why's that?"  He's always nice and open with me though, and never scolds me. "My new band that I'm managing needs a record deal. So, I 'ave to help them and look around." He answers. "What about the store?" I ask hoping I don't lose my job. "Well, that's why I called you in. I want to ask you if you could be in charge while I'm gone? You're the only one I trust to keep this place running while I'm gone" He says to me. "Yes sir, I will." I say happily smiling. "Thank you." He says looking relieved. I leave his office and head back to work. I can't wait to tell Paul the good news. I know it means longer hours but if Brian needs the help or if Paul was in the same situation, he'd do it.

(Back at home) "Paul?" I ask as I get home. "Yes, love?" He calls from the front room. "'Ow was work?" He asks as I sit next to him. "I 'ave some good news." I say to him. "What is it?" "Brian 'as to manage one of his bands and asked me to run the store." I say excitedly. "That's great, darling!" He says kissing me. "There's one catch, I'll 'ave extra long hours."

(1 year later October, 1961. John and Ringo: 21, Paul and Lucy: 19, George: 18, Pattie: 17, Maureen: 15)
Paul's POV:
Lucy and I have done well in our relationship but, there has been one setback; her boss is still managing his band and she has been working long hours. We've had to cancel dates, birthdays, anniversaries and what have you. It's no surprise that she's called and cancelled our date tonight. So, I've called the lads and we're just going to the pub for a couple drinks. I figure I never do it enough with Lucy and I not going out much anymore.

(Later at the pub) "I'll take one more scotch." I say slurring my words, I and the lads already had a couple drinks and we're pretty drunk. "Look buddy, I can't give you or your friends anymore." The bartender tells me. "Fine then, I'll just take this bird home with me and we'll drink at ours." I say taking the bird's hand while the lads are dancing with their ladies. We finally manage to make it home around 1 in the morning. We're both pretty drunk and walking has proven to be difficult, I'm surprised we even got here. As we get to our bed room, I start to make out with the bird. It then got pretty heated and we had some fun. After that, we pass out.

Lucy's POV:
I never thought I'd have to do the night shift but since the other employee was sick, I took his shift and I never want to do it again. I hope Paul's fine, I felt bad having to cancel our date again. I just want to lay in bed and cuddle with him. I went in the house, threw my shoes off and found John sleeping on the couch. I wake him up to bring him upstairs to his bed. As I get into our bedroom, I see Paul laying in bed naked with another woman. "Paul what the fuck!" I shout. He wakes abruptly, looks at himself, then at the girl and says, "It's not what it looks like." "What do you mean, it's not what it looks like? Paul, you fucking slept with another woman!" I shout, crying now. The girl is still sleeping and while Paul is trying to cover himself, John comes to me and says, "Lucy, calm down." "No John. I'm leaving!" I say starting to leave the house. "Lucy please don't go." Paul says following me to the door now crying as well, giving me the puppy-dog eyes that would normally melt my heart. "No, I'm leaving." I say slamming the door. I can't believe he actually let me go and didn't try to come after me. I'm bloody crying my heart out, left the only house that I could stay in since Mo is staying at a flat and has a few roommates, filling it. I have no money, trying to pay rent and help with the bills. I'm going to have to do what I used to do in Ireland when my mum couldn't help with my teenage problems and my friends were no help, live on the streets. I know it sounds desperate but it usually helps clear my head and keep me on track.

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