Chapter 6: I Will

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Paul's POV:
I've been having a bittersweet couple of nights. I haven't slept well but the bright side is that I've had time to keep an eye on Lucy to make sure she's ok. At least when I woke up this time John was starting to wake up. "Paul?" John asks stretching. "Yeah?" I answer, sitting up. He looks at me like yesterday and says, "We need to get you a spare mattress. You can't go on like this." "I know, I just want to keep her happy 'ere is all." I say. He rolls his eyes and says, "I'm going to make breakfast." Seeing as Lucy still isn't awake, I go to the loo to change clothes and shower, when I'm out Lucy is still sleeping so I go and sit on the bed, lean down and kiss her forehead. She wakes up, looks at me and smiles a smile any guy would kill for. "Morning" She says.

Lucy's POV:
"Morning" He answers. His eyes look worse than yesterday. "I'm going to give your bed back." I say. "Where will you sleep?" He asks. "We could just share the bed like we used to." I suggest. He yawns and says, "Fine with me." "So I was thinking, after your gig can we just have a walk around town?" I ask. "Yeah, kinda like a date?" He asks. "Yeah kinda." I say smiling at the thought. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's almost 11." I answer. "Shit! I have to get breakfast and practice for the gig." He says. Right before he leaves and before I even get out of bed, "I'll see you in the front row tonight. Ta!" He says kissing my cheek.

As he leaves, I hope he doesn't notice the blush his kiss left behind. I get dressed and go eat what breakfast the boys left behind. As I finish I go back to Paul's room, pick up a spare guitar and decide to write another song, maybe it'll help the boys with the next gig. "I Will" has easy chords to learn and the lyrics make the song better than bread and butter. I had to sing the song a couple of times to myself to make sure it sounds right. "Who knows how long I've loved you. You know I love you still. Will I wait a lonely lifetime, if you want me to I will."

By the time I was done it was already 7 pm. I have to get ready for the concert so I pick out my favorite purple dress and heels. I go for a shower, put on the dress, some light make up, the heels and am ready for the concert. I know the street name but not the building, it's called "The Cavern Club." I take a cab to get there and when I arrive I see a very long line of people waiting to get in. The boys told me to go to security and tell them who I am, I even get an escort to front row. During the concert, the boys sound great, Paul of couse light up when he saw me and winks at me while singing, and everybody on the floor is enjoying themselves including me. After they finish the boys come off stage and sit with me. I now know what John was talking about, their fans a re crazy, screaming and trying to get on stage.

I see John and George leave with two girls, so it's just Paul and I, he had to leave the table and get another drink and use the loo so I waited patiently. All of a sudden someone's hand grabs my shoulder I turn around and realize that it's Alex. How the hell did he get here? "Alex I told you we shouldn't see each other anymore." I say. "I know but I came to apologize and hope that we can start a new life here." He says. "No Alex! I left that life for a reason and I'm not going back now!" I yell. "Oh, yes you are. I spent all that money you gave to me to talk to you!" He yells. "I gave to you? Ha, you stole that money from my bloody hands you dick!" I'm yelling furiously at him. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not!" He yells grabbing my wrists. "Let me go!" I yell pulling away from his grip. He slaps my face and grabs my arm really hard. The next thing I see is Alex getting punched in the face and falling back, letting my arm go. Then I see Paul who looks furious. He picks up Alex, who now has a bloody nose and says, "Don't you ever hit 'er again or I will break your nose the next time!" He yells. Alex then runs out looking scared as hell.

Paul and I walk out of the club and go for our walk, it's not as romantic as I wanted this to be because I'm scared, mad, nervous, just mixed emotions. So as we head for a bench he sits next to me, I really didn't want to cry but I ended up breaking down and hugging Paul as I do so. He just hugs me back and let's me soil his shirt with my tears. After what seems to be a long time I look at Paul and say, "I'm sorry I put you through all that." "I couldn't just sit there and watch 'im hurt you, it was so sudden my anger just blew and I knew what I wanted to do and that was to protect you." He says sweetly. As I look at him, the streetlights shining on our faces, I look into his beautiful hazel eyes. He ever so lightly, touches the mark on my face that Alex gave me and wipes away left over tears. Then he slowly leans in, I didn't notice but I was leaning in as well and the next thing I know is his lips press into mine. It was the best kiss I've ever had. He stops to see my reaction and to catch his breath but this time I go for the kiss letting him know it's ok and that I approve of the kiss. I deepen the kiss a little and intertwine my fingers in his hair. As we stop he looks at me for the first time, he looks at me like I do with him and that's when we knew we love each other.

When we arrive home I haven't a clue as to where John and his bird are. So Paul and I get dressed for bed and as we lay down I make it so that we are very close to each other like we used to as kids. Paul was on the same page as me, "I can still remember it like it was yesterday." He says. I then remember he hasn't slept well these past few nights so I wasn't surprised when he fell asleep quickly, he was snoring within seconds. I giggle and kiss him before cuddling up next to the boy I love so much.

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