Chapter 2: When I Get Home

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(June 1960. John: 20 Paul and Lucy: 18)

I was quickly driving to the hospital after getting a call that my mum had been in a car accident. They weren't really descriptive as to what happened but I knew it was urgent and I was trying not to cry the whole way there. When I finally got to the hospital, I had to sit in the waiting room, it didn't take long for a Doctor to come out of the doors and ask, "Ambrose?" I stood and walked to him, "I'm sorry, dear. We tried everything to keep her heart going but during the crash she received major wounds and trauma. I'm deeply sorry for your loss."

After the funeral, I waited to hear my mum's will. She didn't have any close relatives and my bastard of my father who left my mum after he found out she was pregnant with me, didn't bother showing, as well as my grandparents passed when I was little. Mum knew I hated Ireland and wanted to go back home to Liverpool but she still had her job here. So I had to cope with living here.

The kids at school made fun of my Liverpudlian accent and I chose to keep to myself. The girls here acted like snobs and I couldn't befriend many of the boys like Paul and John, I was different than them as in I'm a girl different. I only had 3 friends here but they didn't really mean much, my boyfriend Alex doesn't even seem like a boyfriend he just treats me like a show doll when we go out and he always invites other people when we have a "date." He's spoiled, abusive and cruel to me. I haven't broken up with him because I have no protection against the aftermath of the break up.

My mum left me what little money she had which was a few hundred pounds she knew what I would be using this for. As soon as I got home I started to pack my things, I wanted to leave Ireland as soon as possible. I had also forgotten to mention that I would be leaving my band as well as my boyfriend. My friends as well as Alex formed a band and I was the guitarist, I knew John and Paul would like that and I couldn't wait to show them how good I've gotten at playing the guitar. As I was thinking of John and Paul, there was a knock on the door. I had forgotten that Alex was coming over to hang out. Dammit! I was going to have to break my ties with Alex now I guess, whatever ties existed.

I had my bag behind me and ready to leave. "Lucy, where you off to?" He asked. "I'm going back home." I simply answered. "What? Why?" He asked confused and frustrated. "I hate it here. I've always hated living here." I answered. "What's going to happen to us?" He asks. "We're done Alex, that's what." I finally said the words I've been wanting to say. "You're not just going to leave me like that." He says through his teeth. He pushes me down, takes most of my money and runs away. Damn him! I hope I have enough for the plane ticket.

As I pay for my plane ticket, I feel that mum must be watching over me because I had just enough money for the plane ticket. I hope John and Paul have been doing well. I can't wait to see them again.

Author's note: Sorry this is a short chapter it was never in my original fanfic :P so I'm just giving it a try. Hope you're all enjoying so far :D

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