chapter one

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          "yea no way im not going down there. yall can deal with the wrath of your father later" tsu'fey said as lo'ak was trying to persuade them to go down with him "shes right" neteyam dramatically gags agreeing with fey "dad will skin us"

"oh come on dont be a wuss" lo'ak says but before neteyam can even think lo'ak dives down to land his banshee. neteyam looks over at tsu'fey like she was going to do something but she just looked back at him like he was crazy. neteyam made some incoherent angry noises before giving up and dove down behind lo'ak. fei wasn't crazy enough to want her ass beat by jake later so she stayed up in the air and kept a lookout from a distance LIKE A SPOTTER SHOULD

she heard lo'ak let out a battle cry and just laughed at them until she saw a gun ship flying toward them. she made everyone aware but it was almost to late. the aircraft was moving too fast. fey looked back down trying to find lo'ak and neteyam but all she heard was a loud explosion and seeing people flying from where they were.

tsu'fey dove down to try and help but she saw jake already on the way over there and decided to stay out of his line of fire for now as she was lowkey terrified of him but he didn't need to know that. she felt a wave of relief as all of them walked out alive and in one piece. it felt safe to land near them to give her ikran a break for a moment before flying home. she felt wrong. it was definitely not safe. as soon as she saw the look he gave her and lo'ak she went right back up and started heading home with everyone else. lo'ak, neytiri, jake, and neteyam followed closely behind.

they made it home safe and everyone was happy to see the war party returning home. as soon as they all got off the banshee kiri and tuk come rushing over. kiri goes to neteyam seeing he is injured and tuk goes to neytiri obviously. as fei went to walk away she felt eyes burning holes through her head. she knew exactly who it was when he yelled out "get here!" she turned on her heals and went to stand infront of jake.

"you are supposed to spot ships and call them in FROM A DISTANCE do you hear me. i let you genus's fly one mission and you go and almost get yourself killed" he turns his attention to kiri who is checking neteyam for any bad injuries "kiri can you go help your grandmother with the wounded" she lets out a sigh "my brother is wounded" jake sends kiri and tuk off to go help their grandmother with all the majorly wounded soldiers.

"you come here" jake pointed at tsu'fey as she almost shit herself "im glad you understood the whole from a distance part but why would you let them go when you know you aren't supposed to. ive let you fly missions longer than them i was expecting you to have their backs" he spoke in a calmer tone not as agressive as he was with lo'ak which she appreciated "i know sir it was my fault i shouldn't have let them leave our spot in the first place i take full responsibility" she knows how bad lo'ak feels right now and he doesn't deserve all the heat for it after all. they were all at fault at least a little bit.

jake looked at neteyam and sent him off to go get patched up. then he shot his gaze at lo'ak "what the hell were you thinking boy you could've gotten yourselfs killed. do you understand that?" lo'aks ears dropped and so did his expression "yes sir" he had a little bit of attitude behind the words but jake didn't seem to notice so it was fine "you're grounded. no flying for 3 months. now see to the ikran... all of them." she could tell lo'ak just wanted to leave "yes sir is that it" jake looked a little shaken up "yea yea dismissed both of you. fey go help with the wounded"

she nodded and walked off until she heard neteyam almost screaming in pain. she started giggling and walked over to where it was coming from. they were just putting a cream on it and he was acting like a wuss. "you sound like a baby right now. i can hear you from across the village" kiri suggested to use something else as she walked past fei and they giggled to eachother a little.

"stop laughing at me you assholes this hurts" his grandmother pressed down on the wound slightly basically telling his to watch his mouth as tuk was sitting right next to him. tsu'fey just kept laughing her ass off at him because he was so dramatic. neteyam saw a small cut on her leg from hitting a tree or something. nevertheless it was an open wound. he grabbed some of his grandmother's cream she was putting on him and rubbed it on the wound.

fey just looked down at him with a confused face. she was unsure of what he just rubbed on her leg but it didnt feel like anything bad just wet and cold so she thought maybe water until she looked back at him and his jaw was dropped "tsu'fey" she looked confused "what is it" he was convinced "do you have a damn soul or are you just existing with ZERO PAIN" it was that moment she realized what he put on her leg

she basically collapsed with how hard she was laughing. lo'ak had come back at this point and he was so confused when he walked into fey falling onto the floor while crying? maybe laughing? he couldn't tell. "what the hell are yall doing in here" kiri was also laughing as well as tuk, spider, and even their grandmother. the only one not laughing was neteyam who was just "😨" in disbelief (hes a dramatic whore its confirmed) once kiri can finally breathe for a second she trys to explain

"so neteyam thinks tsu'fey is a soulless monster because she "doesnt feel pain" apparently" lo'ak looked at his brother and started laughing at him too. it was such a silly stupid topic and neteyam looked so hurt about it and thats what was absolutely hilarious. they would definitely never let him live this down

fey got up and decided to put her hair up cuz it was annoying her being in her face. she gathered her hair up and moved it to put it in basically a ponytail when she heard a little gasp from behind her "what the hell happened to your back" she turned around to see neteyam who was finally done whining. she knew exactly what he was talking about. she had gotten distracted looking for them and when she looked back up she was face to face with a tree. she had gotten half slung off her ikran trying to dive so fast because turning wasnt an option at that point. she drug her upper body along the tree but it was fine because it was completely covered by her hair. at this point she had forgotten about it entirely.

lo'ak got up and walked over to where they were standing and looked at it. "dude that looks disgusting when did you get that" she rolled her eyes, she knew they were over exaggerating. "its not that bad i forgot about it. it was earlier i just got distracted and hit a tree" lo'ak looked like he was going to throw up as they called the tsahik over to check it out. "oh thats a nasty cut why didnt you say anything" she questioned fey before sitting her down and start putting things on it while requesting things from kiri

"see how tsahik is putting the same things on and im not screaming like a baby" lo'ak started laughing at neteyam realizing how dramatic he was really being

"i cant stand any of you why are you like this" neteyam was absolutely fed up he couldnt stand for this disrespect anymore "women have a higher pain tolerance because they are just better" lo'ak spoke through little giggles but you could tell he was being so deadass. (lo'ak is a feminist confirmed)

they clowned on neteyam until they fell asleep

this is so short and lame


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