chapter thirteen

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"im in love with you" fey said in a hushed tone making eye contact with neteyam. she watched his eyes widen and his jaw drop slightly like he was going to speak but nothing came out

"oops that slipped out" she laughed and dropped her head onto his chest

"fey" she wouldn't stop laughing so she didn't have to respond "tsu'fey look at me" he lifted her head up "did you mean that?" he kept eye contact while she tried to stop laughing

"i wouldn't have said it if i didn't mean it skxawng" she pushed his forehead away with her palm while he was clueless on how to respond

they were all in their own worlds with each other and basically were paying no mind to each other. the group was obviously together but at the same time looked like they weren't

"fey! tsu'fey!" was heard faintly in the distance

"do you hear that?" fey asked

"yeah what is that" neteyam looked around

"there you guys are" the closer the person got they realized who it was

"KIRI HI" fey pushed neteyam into the water to get to kiri

"oh my god you reek of so many things" kiri said bluntly

"oh whoops" fey laughed and jumped on the girl

"what did you guys do to her?" kiri asked the rest of the group in the water

"she did it on her own" ao'nung did not want any of that smoke

"true she did" neteyam added as they fist bumped

"what the fuck was that gay shit" fey laughed at them "who's with tuk?"

"she fell asleep so i closed the curtain and left her" kiri had ended up really wanting to come so she was happy when tuk fell asleep

"that makes sense... anyways im dying" kiri and fey had been left alone when neteyam started talking to ao'nung

"why are you dying" kiri asked

"because i don't know if i'm actually saying things or if i'm just delusional"

"what have you done? did you mix substances? what did you say?" kiri started interrogating her

"i have no clue, like three, and i told neteyam i was in love with him" fey spoke as she counted to three on her fingers "yep! that's three! just like how many questions you asked" she looked so accomplished while kiri was just in shock

"BACK THE HELL UP" kiri grabbed the other girls shoulders and made her look at her "what did he say?"

"he just looked at me but i also don't know if i said that or spoke some random ass language" fey spoke quickly a little afraid of kiri

"don't worry he has zero brain cells he's just a lame boy"

"but he's so pretty" kiri just looked at the girl still in shock if you even need tsu'fey to fess up put her on drugs got it

"did i say that?" fey turned her gaze away from neteyam and towards kiri

"yeah you did THAT WAS WEIRD" kiri shook her hands and fake gagged

"be quiet" fey pushed her shoulder before walking over to the rest of the group

"who knows literally anything about girls" neteyam asked while fey talked to kiri

"ao'nung is a slut also tsireya and i are girls so" aw'ati told him

"im not a slut, women just love me" ao'nung put his hands up and smirked like a menace

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