chapter fourteen

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"you suck" tsu'fey put one hand on her hip and the other in neteyam's face preventing him from talking to her

"i didn't do anything" he responded very monotone

"you set yourself up for this" lo'ak told his brother

neteyam turned his back to her with his hands up. as he began to walk away she kicked him in the back of his knee making him stumble but not fall

"YOU ARE SO EVIL" he turned around to look at her

"oh, oh my heart" fey placed her hand on her heart before falling back for lo'ak to catch her

"hell no" lo'ak put his hands up and stepped to the side. ao'nung reached over to grab her so she didn't fall

"is she really the evil one?" he looked at lo'ak who just shrugged

"100% she's like a demon" neteyam added

fey ignored his comment and started realizing everything happening around her. as she finished her drink she listened to the small talk happening in front of her. it was quite entertaining until her vision started to blur

neteyam felt a hand on his shoulder. he turned his head to see who it was as he felt more and more weight go into it. he saw fey who was just falling toward him

"oh yeah, this is probably not good right?" neteyam asked as he held her

"what happened?" rotxo walked up to them

"i have no clue she just plop"he quickly realized what he said "not plop that sounds weird"

"yeah it does" ao'nung looked him up and down

fey let out a dramatic gasp for air before jerking her body up. her eyes darted around for a moment by themselves before her head began to follow darting left and right. neteyam set her down keeping his hands on her shoulders for her stability

"what the hell did y'all do" fey raised her eyebrows at them

"HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT" ao'nung always fighting for his life

"it was probably neteyam's fault let's be honest here" fey shrugged turning towards him

"i can't stand you" he rubbed his eyes and sighed

"then sit bitch i don't know" she shrugged again before crossing her arms in front of her chest which made him giggle a little

"EAT HIM ALIVE GIRL" aw'ati is always the number one hype women

"don't let him leave here breathing!" tsireya could be truly deep and evil when she wanted to be. number two hype women

"oh my god you two need to chill" ao'nung looked at the two girls like they were crazy

"i still say we put them in a cage" rotxo raised his hand like he was in a class room

"im going to tie your ear to your foot" fey turned her head toward rotxo slowly

"is she joking?" rotxo asked lo'ak

"not even slightly" he tried to shake away the horrifying memory

rotxo looked back at fey who was smiling innocently. he slowly backed up pushing lo'ak and ao'nung closer trying to create a wall

"FUCK NO" lo'ak slid himself back next to rotxo before pushing tsireya and ao'nung together

"why am i being put in danger i did nothing wrong" ao'nung asked

"im not even worried fey loves me too much" tsireya flipped her hair

aw'ati was just enjoying her time on the side lines watching everything go down. swirling her drink around while laughing

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