chapter nine

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"how many times are we going to do this before you get us caught keep your hair down" neteyam was standing right behind tsu'fey

"yes sir my bad," she said with sarcasm in her voice before saluting him

"ew don't say that that's what you call my dad that's weird" he made a grossed-out face

"EWW, why would you say that" her face scrunched up with disgust. neteyam placed his chin on her shoulder

"wanna hear something funny?" she laughed a little at the memory

"oh no this is going to be bad isn't it?" she nodded "fine"

"when kiri caught up to me she pointed out my neck and first she said, "who was it ao'nung?" then she had some kind of mind-blowing gear turn in her head and didn't ask if it was you she told me it was you"

he already knew she noticed but he didn't know all that. "i told her it was my ilu and i think i sold it, to be honest" he laughed at her. neteyam was praying that kiri bought it

he wrapped his arms around her waist before noticing she was putting some finishing touches on one of the toys she had been making for tuk. he always loved the way she got along with all his siblings but sometimes he hated it. only because of the way she was so sweet to all of them and always an asshole to him. to be fair he never tried to be nice to her until the year before they left the omaticaya clan.

"why are you just now choosing to be nice go back to hating me you're such a sap" she tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was no use he didn't let her move

"what im not allowed to be friendly?"

"mf these are not friend things. do you do this with all your friends? you whore" she was still trying to wiggle out of his arms

"the only friends i have outside my family and you are tsireya, rotxo, and maybe ao'nung if he's lucky"

"what about aw'ati?" fey brought up the friend they had met through tsireya

"yeah i guess her too but she is never really around" she rolled her eyes she was always there nobody ever paid her any mind tho fey had stopped trying to get away from him and just stood with her arms crossed as she finished tuk's toy

"she is always ther- you know what never mind just pay attention and use your damn eyes" fey tilted her head away from neteyam and then slightly back as she laughed at his dumbness. he couldn't believe how beautiful she was he was dumbfounded.

"you're so pretty" he didn't even mean to say it it just slipped out

"STOP BEING NICE ITS WEIRD" a light blush spread across her face and she lifted her hands up to cover it

"OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOU YOU'RE BLUSHING" he grabbed her hand away from her face and laughed at her a little bit because of how embarrassed she was

"i hate you get off me" she was laughing so he knew she was lying but he played along

"fine" he let go of her completely and backed up with his hands up before turning around and walking away with his back turned.

a rooky mistake she jumped on his back and wrapped her arm around his neck as if to choke him out but she didn't squeeze. after all, she didn't actually want to kill him. he gasped and acted like she was killing him before falling backward onto a bed and crushing her

"OW DAMN BRO YOU ARE HEAVY AS HELL" she held her chest as he stood up. as she sat up slowly she let out some dramatic coughs

"you weren't even the one getting choked out why are you coughing"

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