chapter nineteen

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as they rode into the cave of ancestors fey reached for the surface for a breath of air- she slowly took in her surroundings while neteyam popped up beside her

"you cheater" he spoke first, catching fey's attention

she let out a dramatic gasp, holding her chest "me? cheat? i would never" sarcasm laced through her voice

neteyam leaned closer as if he was investigating her "LIES" he abruptly screamed before diving back under and racing off yet again

"what a bitch" she muttered under her breath before chasing after him

making their way to the spirit tree neteyam noticed a sandy area past some rocks that they could easily climb. he quickly made the turn toward it knowing she would follow behind- it was still a race after all

as they got closer fey was quickly confused by where they were. she emerged from the water partially for air but mostly because she was very curious about where he was taking her now

taking in her surroundings, slowly moving closer to the rocky area they would be required to climb which she was excited for. it had been a while since she did any kind of training out of water

fey jerked her head to the area beside her where she heard a small splash come from. of course, it was neteyam who had started circling her like he was an aluka or something

he finally stopped in front of the girl and went up for air. as soon as his head was out of the water he could hear her menacing ass laugh

"i can't even get three seconds of peace before you are chuckling" he laughed at the girl who was now laughing even harder

"you were circling me like a fucking aluka" she was absolutely cracking up for no reason and she hadn't even smoked yet well this will be fun

"shut up" they were just fueling each other's laughter "just COME ON" he could barely catch his breath enough to even attempt the breathing technique but he gave up on it and just dove back under. fey followed close behind

of course, they raced climbing up the rocks and fey won. she cheated of course but that's absolutely irrelevant in this situation. they walked through the sand for a short amount of time before sitting down

"cough cough," he fucking said cough

"well now you aren't getting shit" she held the bag on the side opposite to which he was sitting and turned her head away from him.

he slowly leaned closer and closer maintaining eye contact until he suddenly jumped forward to grab the bag

she jerked her arm even further, safely escaping him "im not that stupid 'teyam" she softly chuckled in his face

"why are you so smart sometimes and so dumb other times" he understood this girl so well and so little at the same time

"because im street smart," she said with so much confidence as she tapped her head with her pointer finger

"what does that even mean" he questioned as he had never heard that before

"i dont even know what it means... i heard norm say it once" she shrugged and pulled the pre-wrap *courtesy of lo'ak* out of the bag

"there is no way you had lo'ak do it ahead of time" his jaw dropped slightly in disbelief

"a girl gotta do what a girls gotta do" fey shrugged before pulling the lighter (that lo'ak also stole) out of the bag

she took a quick hit after lighting it, blowing it in neteyam's face since he decided he wanted to be all up close and personal. he immediately regretted that decision cause damn was that a strong smell

"i wonder if you can smell this stuff on us" he wasn't worried about it. his father didn't pay that close of attention anyways

"dont say that" she shoved his chest slightly "how would that conversation even go"

neteyam decided the sober life was not for him snatching it out of her hand. she gave him a quick glare and a raised eyebrow as he returned the favor, blowing the smoke in her face

"if he knew- there would be no conversation he would just kill us" he knew his father would either be weirdly understanding or absolutely psychotic about it. fey nodded in agreement, taking another hit

they passed it back and forth for a little while talking about stupid, unimportant, little things and laughing their asses off for no good reason

fey had no idea how she had managed to get herself in this situation but all she knew is she couldn't stop running now. she was sprinting down the hard sand as neteyam chased close behind

she didn't get far before she could feel the sand under her feet anymore and she felt arms wrap around her to prevent her from going any farther

"PUT ME DOWN" she laugh as she slapped at the arms holding her up

"if you insist" he walked to the softer sand and acted as if he was going to body-check her. he was nice enough to throw her down *mostly* gently

she flopped into a starfish position and lay for a moment in complete silence until neteyam finally lay next to her. she didn't change the position of her head and continued to stare at the sky while she felt neteyam's gaze burning a hole through her

"do you even know how beautiful you are" he spoke so genuinely (im so fucking lonely😭😭😭)

"oh my FUUUUCK" she immediately brought her hands to cover her face

he laughed at her reaction for a moment before wrapping his arm around her waist, turning her to face him as well as bringing her closer

fey slowly removed her hands from her face, understanding their newfound proximity. she took her now free hand and placed it on his neck, bringing him even closer to her

looking into his eyes, she rubbed her thumb on his cheek, giving him a soft smile. she was always her happiest with neteyam. he was the best thing that could've happened to her and she knew that

"i see you neteyam"

authors note

•why is it that i can do three large projects all due tomorrow, i wrote this chapter, a new chapter for sunsetz, a new chapter for an unpublished ff, rode my horse, and cleaned my room all today

but when i did literally nothing but lay in bed all last week i didn't update for 14 DAYS???? WHY


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