chapter twelve

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authors note

before you slander me for not cooking shrooms into something ill be honest i didn't feel like doing all that let me live. it's also not earth shrooms it's pandora shrooms duh😜

the party started and kiri was well enough to take care of tuk and she didn't want to go in the first place. neteyam, tsu'fey, and lo'ak met up with tsireya and ao'nung before so they could show them where it was.

the party hosted by the adults was in the center of the village which was far out of sight from the rocks with small pools of water as well as some forest

"how many substances are here that would get us killed?" fey asked ao'nung when they arrived

"just like three not that bad" he shrugged it off like it was nothing

"four actually" lo'ak pulled a bag out of his pouch that contained what looked like crushed herbs and some paper?

"what the hell where did you get that" fey was looking at the stolen drugs

"i stole it out of max's bag. i know how to do it i watched him" lo'ak smiled at his achievement

"you're such a little shit" neteyam rolled his eyes "are we supposed to eat that shit?"

"no man we smoke it" lo'ak said like it was obvious

"man fuck it" fey snatched the bag and walked over to the beautiful drink area

"don't be stupid my dad will murder all of us if we come home in yoddie land" neteyam followed her and got a drink as well

"he can't do shit to me" fey spoke before taking a sip of her drink and then gagging "holy shit that's hard"

"you're a baby" he mocked her before she gave him an "oh really" look and downed the whole thing "OH MY GOD YOU'RE DUMB"

"don't call me a baby i could do this all night" me too fey me too

"i wouldn't recommend that. im not saving your ass later" he was lying of course

"die alone" she couldn't help but crack a smile. her joke seemed like the funniest thing ever said. neteyam just had his jaw hanging open from her vile comment

"fey come on let's go smoke that shit! i want to live for a minute" tsireya ran over and begged the girl to follow her. fey obliged and followed her but of course neteyam followed after them.

they passed by some kids eating what looked like mushrooms. they offered fey one and she took it for later. you never know maybe she will feel great later and want to take it

lo'ak, tsireya, ao'nung, tsu'fey, neteyam, rotxo, and aw'ati were sitting in a circle (nightmare blunt rotation) lo'ak rolled it and ate tf out of that shit. he knew his stuff somehow

once they had all hit it once and had a coughing fit except for lo'ak and neteyam somehow, they figured it out quickly and passed it around in a circle

"what the hell are we even supposed to feel from this?" aw'ati asked

"i don't know supposedly it just makes you chill out. if you want to feel like you are dying while living the best life i saw some people with shrooms over there" he pointed to the group that had handed her the mushroom-looking thing

"i want all the feelings man" tsireya wanted all that smoke literally

"i have one but i can go get more if anyone wants any?" fey pulled it out of her pouch

"where did you get that?" neteyam turned to fey

"those guys" she pointed at them

"can you go get more" aw'ati smiled

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