chapter twenty-one

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it was quiet the last few days... no signs of quaritch getting anywhere closer thankfully. fey had some free time so she decided to finish up a top she was making for tsireya as well as some little toys tuk requested. she sat next to her bed with the carved ilu, mixing a collection of different colored paints

it was quiet, too quiet, everyone was out doing something. she saw neytiri and jake leave with the olo'eyktan and tsahik, unsure of where the rest of the family was

the loud crash of waves interrupted her thoughts, dragging her away from the bad thoughts and causing her to just watch the ocean. even though she wasn't being as productive as she wished, she was happy. something about the ocean intrigued her, it dragged her in with no remorse

finally dragging her attention away from the open water, she began painting the ilu as what tuk requested (fey would do absolutely anything for tuk and honestly same)

sweeping the hair out of her face, she groaned as she felt one of her braids coming loose bitch ass neteyam. adding another thing to her mental to-do list and carried on with her painting

fey held the carved ilu to the light, making sure she covered everything she wanted to. once she was satisfied, she placed it outside so it would be dry by the time tuk came back

as she began to work on tsireya's top she perked up when she heard voices outside. they were incoherent and unrecognized which made her confused

she shrugged it off, deciding to just wait until they came inside if they even would

they definitely came inside

lo'ak came flying in, thankfully landing on the bed next to fey

"oh, hey fey!" lo'ak said casually

"don't 'hey fey' me, what the hell was that" her question was quickly answered when ao'nung and neteyam walked in. she gave the two suspecting looks to which they both put their hands up in defense

"explain" she placed the item she had been working on down, leaning back onto her bed

"lo'ak bet i couldn't throw him" ao'nung confessed with very little interrogation

"what the hell" she looked back and forth between ao'nung and lo'ak before turning her attention to neteyam "why didn't you stop this? he could've gotten hurt and your dad would've had your ass"

"mama bear came out there" lo'ak joked from behind fey on her bed. he quickly received an elbow to the gut

"how are you going to yell at me for not stopping something he could possibly get hurt doing and then hurt him" neteyam activated his sas "plus i was going to let lo'ak figure that one out by himself"

"that's not what you're supposed to be doing dumbass" she rolled her eyes at his absolute idiocy

"the thing is, im fine guys" lo'ak said like it wasn't obvious

"wow thank you for that fascinating information" she pushed him and he dramatically fell back

"what are you making" ao'nung leaned forward to look at what she had placed down before

"something for your sister, do you think she would like it?" she requested his second opinion as she held it up

"it looks like something she would wear" he had no idea what else to say

"what the hell was that" neteyam turned around to face the curtain

there was an abnormal rustling outside. they exchanged weird looks before neteyam decided to go check

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