chapter four

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tsireya led the family to the marui they would be staying in. tuk jumped along the bouncy path before fey tried to calm her down which didn't work at all. she was trying to not draw too much attention to them but it didn't matter all eyes were already on them. they made it to the marui and set some stuff down "yea this will work... this will definitely work" jake looked around the room. 

"we will start your training later or tomorrow, dinner is at eclipse, my brother and i will be by the water with some of our friends if you need any of us, and i think that should be it. you guys should get settled in for now" tsireya told them before making her leave. 

lo'ak and tsu'fey went to make sure there was nothing left on the ikran before sending them off. "sullys fall in" jake spoke to the family. fey backed up a little cause she wasn't sure if this concerned her. "remember? family meeting" neteyam said as he grabbed lo'ak and fey by their arms. fey quickly ripped her arm back from him and sat next to him "grab my arm again and i will cut your throat" she said with a bright and cheery smile. 

jake coughed a little to get everyone's attention "i need all you kids on your best behavior, i mean it" jake started before he took a quick pause. "learn fast, pull your weight, don't cause trouble, got it?" the last part he said mainly looking at lo'ak. "yes sir" lo'ak quickly responded but fey knew he wouldn't last long. neteyam grabbed the back of lo'ak's neck, lo'ak quickly retaliated and hissed at him. fey giggled at them but that didn't last long before the quiet sobs of tuk were heard. 

"i want to go home" tuk spoke through quiet sobs neytiri looked heartbroken for the girl. "oh, tuk" neytiri spoke with sympathy before jake started speaking to the homesick little girl. "tuk, this is our home now" he let out a quick sigh "we are going to get through this. were going to get through this if we have each others backs, right?" jake looked around and neytiri looked like she was thinking about something. "what does your father always say" neytiri was obviously not thinking about fey so fey didn't speak but everyone else did "sullys stick together" neytiri rubbed kiris leg as she was obviously homesick. "yea... now this time with some feeling" jake was trying to get them pumped up "sullys stick together," neteyam, lo'ak, and tuk said. kiri was a little behind along with some attitude in her voice "sullys stick together" she rolled her eyes.

the children decided they could start training today after a quick rest. they went to join the metkayina kids by the water. "what do you need" ao'nung casually being a dick. "we want to start learning today fish lips" fey giggled when lo'ak retaliated. they were so alike and didn't even know it. ao'nung glanced over at fey as she laughed and stared for a minute which was picked up by tsireya. "well... let us get started then!" tsireya tried to break the awkward silence.

ao'nung, tsireya, and rotxo dived into the water with grace. fey stood right before the water debating how to jump in before she hears two loud screeches coming from behind her. she suddenly feels hands on her back and her falling forward into the water. she gasped while entering the water and got her lungs full of water. she came out of the water gasping for air but all she could feel was water. damn why am i so problematic. she finally coughed all the water out but her lungs still burned. she dived back down into the water and caught up with everyone. soon after that, the omaticaya had to come up for air. after they were done catching their breath fey looked at the two boys with a look that could kill. "alright who pushed me" you could've heard a pin drop it was so silent. there were almost crickets the boys were so silent. "one of you fess up or ill assume it was both of you" lo'ak confessed it was him. he braced for a bitch slap until she grabbed his head and repeatedly dunked him under the water.

under the water, the metkayina were a little concerned about the boy bobbing in and out of the water. "what in the hell are they doing up there" ao'nung signed to tsireya and rotxo. tsireya who had some time to talk to the family and quickly learned some of their habits was guessing lo'ak did or said something stupid. "should we go check on them" tsireya signed back. rotxo shrugged in response. they decide to swim up to check it out.

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