chapter twenty

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it had been about a week since that moment and the sully family + fey were living as 'normal' of a life as they could given the hand they were dealt. they were starting to understand the way of water and were becoming useful to the metkayina which was a relief for the two parents

neytiri had gone with the two teenage boys to gather the rest of the supplies they needed for dinner while jake and tsu'fey sat by the fire in their marui and began to roast the fish

the moment the three left fey noticed jake looking at her like he wanted to say something but never spoke. they sat like that in silence with the occasional crashing of waves and the voices of other people passing by. they hadn't really had a conversation besides him scolding her since they left the forest

"what's wrong?" fey finally broke the somewhat awkward silence

"what do you mean" he acted oblivious

"jake i can actually feel you burning holes through my head with your glare" she didn't buy his act

he laughed at her suddenness, remembering how much he used to enjoy his conversations with the young girl. the realization of how much he had ignored, neglected, and taken for granted the girl he had promised to take care of hit him like a train as he watched her give him a suspecting look with a slight smirk

"that wasn't funny" he acted as if he wasn't cracking up just a second ago

his laugh became contagious as she laughed with him, placing another fish over the fire "you're a liar you laughed"

"i didn't laugh" deny deny deny

"you laughed" she pointed at him as she laughed hard

"i must be losing it then" he shook his head and rubbed his eyes trying to get over this laughing fit

"oh you're losing it big time" she calmed down to a soft chuckle before speaking again "don't think you're getting away from my question"

"fine" he sighed, accepting defeat "are you the girl neteyam asked me about"

well, that was definitely not what she was expecting and you could see it on her face. her jaw dropped slightly and her eyes widened

"wait what" she wasn't acting oblivious she genuinely was oblivious

"i've seen you two- you aren't like you were in the forest, always competing, and always at each other's throats" he raised his eyebrows and glanced up from the fruit he was cutting "not anymore though"

"maybe it was the almost dying that made us grow up" she shrugged

"fey, be honest with me please because neteyam won't talk about it" he pleaded with her trying to get anything out of her

"how am i supposed to know if he's talking about me?" she regretted asking at this point because she didn't want to talk about this in the slightest, especially not alone

"don't even know why i bothered asking i know it's you but i still have another question" he placed the knife down and looked to face her

"oh joy," she said heavy sarcasm

"so" he sighed again "you haven't... like..." he gave her a weird look while she tried to figure out what he meant

it was like a lightbulb went off in her head causing her jaw to drop to the floor. she stayed like that for a moment before dropping everything that was in her hands and using them instead to cover her eyes

"yeah no we are done here" she stood up and went to walk out but paused when she watched someone walk in. the absolute worst person to walk in right now

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