chapter six

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tsu'fey couldn't fall back asleep so she decided to just go for a walk along the beach. she knew the sully's wouldn't worry about her as she did this all the time back home. fey had some leftovers from what she didn't eat last night so she brought them along for her ilu. she called for her ilu who she named sua. fey fed her some leftover fish then gave her one last pet and went to sit by the water.

she was thinking about a few things the main one being why her and neteyam were suddenly bestfriends. he was normally such an asshole but he had her back. he defended her to his own brother and his dad. he didn't even think twice about calling lo'ak out on his shit in-front of ao'nung and tsireya. she was so confused but she just shook it off.

now that she was alone with all her thoughts including the way lo'ak just shamed her and having to leave her home it was effecting her a lot more then she thought. it was all so overwhelming but she was so busy she had no time to think about it and now it was all spilling out. tears started flowing and she had no control over it. she just wiped her eyes and chuckled to herself. she felt so rediculous why was she crying? it wasn't that big of a deal she needed to leave to stay safe and keep the sully's safe so why was this so hard? fey was so busy in her own thoughts she hadn't heard someone walking up behind her.

neteyam woke up earlier then normal so he assumed nobody else was up. he looked around and realized fey wasn't there. he had just assumed she went for a walk because she fell asleep so early. he quietly snuck around his sleeping family and went to find her. he knew she was fine but he just wanted to make sure. he saw her sitting by the water alone which was pretty much a given since most of the other na'vi were still sleeping. as he got closer he noticed something. it looked like she was crying? what was wrong with her? he hadn't seen her cry in years not since she cut him on accident and she felt so bad she started crying. neteyam wasn't sure what he should do. should he walk up and talk to her? should he leave her alone? should he act like he didn't see anything? he chose the brotherly route

fey felt someone sit next to her and it scared the shit out of her. she stared at him in shock trying to wipe her eyes but he didn't say anything. he wrapped his arm around her and brought her into his chest. she had no idea what to do or say all she knew is the tears just started flowing even more now. fey had never had this kind of comfort before it had always been hidden crying and just dealing with it. no words were spoken just him running his fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm her down with the occasional "its okay" or "dont worry". she wrapped her arms around his back and just held onto him. fey didn't even care about yesterday anymore she felt so safe in his arms she felt comfortable with someone for once in her life. she was brought back to an old memory of the crush she used to have on neteyam when they were kids.

lo'ak was the first to wake up but he was still so sleepy. he rubbed his eyes and tried to wake up but he barely could. that was until he looked around and saw neteyam missing but he didn't think much of it. kiri woke up and didn't even notice lo'ak the first thing she noticed was tsu'fey missing then neteyam. like clockwork lo'ak and kiri looked at each other with questioning looks then lo'ak wiggled his eyebrows and kiri just rolled her eyes. he pointed outside the marui signaling her to go out with him so they didn't wake up the rest of the family.

"so where do you think they are? do you think they are together?"

"tsu'fey fell asleep so early she probably went for a walk and neteyam is probably hunting lets be for real"

"shut up kiri they could be hanging out together somewhere while everyone sleeps" lo'ak winked when he said hanging out

"whatever skxawng" kiri rolled her eyes at lo'ak he was such an idiot why would they be together

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