chapter three

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none of them could believe they had to leave their home. but they were forced to believe it when they had to start packing everything up. today was the day, the day their lives would change forever. for better or for worse that's to be determined. today was also the day the clan changed olo'eyktan. it was an emotional moment for the entire sully family and even tsu'fey. as much as she didn't want to leave the clan she didn't want to leave the sully family even more. she couldn't imagine her life without all her friends. she would even miss neteyam but she would never admit that because it would make him too cocky. 

as the new olo'eyktan held the knife to jake's chest and made a small cut that was it. the new chapter unfolded for the sully family. they slowly made their leave, and neytiri let out quiet cries as she held tuk's hand trying to comfort her. once they made it to the ikran and got everything on fey gave neytiri a quick hug, she knew how difficult this was for her. 

the sully family + tsu'fey started their journey to find a new clan that would provide them with a safe place to stay and keep protected. it was a mostly silent trip with the occasional change of direction from jake and small talk with lo'ak. kiri already missed home too much to want to talk to anyone. neytiri was the same and fey didn't want to talk to neteyam unless it was to make fun of him. tsu'fey was just remembering some of her best jokes and best comebacks. she giggled to herself a little bit to get her mind off this big change in her life trying to just ignore it. 

at this point, lo'ak is fully convinced he has watched his childhood best friend lose her mind and neteyam was starting to get what lo'ak was talking about. "girl you are actually losing your mind why are you chuckling like a menace" lo'ak was worried at this point because she just started laughing harder. she was trying to catch her breath so she could explain but she could barely get a word out " i- i was j-just remembering a-absolutely I CANT SPEAK" she could not get a word out with laughing harder. lo'ak and neteyam just looked at each other so weirded out by this girl but they couldn't help but giggle a little at the sight of her. she finally calmed down a little enough to speak, "i was just remembering us making fun of neteyam and his face was so funny i can't" lo'ak started laughing harder remembering the moment from so recently. he couldn't believe neteyam was the older one with how much of a baby he was sometimes. neteyam was so done with both of them at this point. they were both laughing hysterically and he was just letting them have this moment. after all, they were being forced to leave their home the least he could do was let them enjoy and forget for a minute. 

fey couldn't help but admire the ocean it was so gorgeous, it was unreal, she was in absolute awe, it was breathtaking, and it was almost too much for her to handle. she never knew she could admire something like this. her eyes were sparkling, she had always loved the forest and thought everything about it was beautiful but this was different. it was almost a respect for some reason. little did fey know someone was thinking the same thing... but about her.

neteyam was taking in the scenery but something kept catching his eye. it was tsu'fey. she looked beautiful. it was weird, he had never thought about her like this. there was just something about her that was different. it could be the way her eyes were practically sparkling as she looked at the ocean. she just looked stunning. apparently, he had been looking too long because when he finally tore his vision away from her he saw lo'ak looking at him with his eyebrows raised and a "really" look on his face. neteyam just shooed him off and scoffed at him like he wasn't admiring the girl.

tsu'fey was really hoping they would land soon as she was tired as hell but then jake pointed down and everyone followed. they heard a horn which they assumed was the newcomer's horn. she saw the whole clan huddle to where they were planning to land.

when they landed the whole clan was looking almost in shock. neytiri grabbed her bow but jake quickly shut that down. "behind me" jake instructed. everyone followed as jake raised his hands up to signal we weren't there for bad intentions. fey was walking next to neteyam as he raised his hands up a little like they would be threatened by him. fey smacked his hand "they aren't scared of you big tough guy" she whispered to him. he put his hands down and snarled at her a little to which she just stuck her tongue out at him. kiri who was next to neteyam nudged him "not the time or place, get a room" fey just gave kiri a confused look but didn't continue to speak because she didn't want her ass handed to her on a silver platter by jake. 

two boys walked up to them and started giggling as they were examing their features. "is that supposed to be a tail?" one of them teased. the other one reached up almost as if he was going to grab feys tail. she didn't realize until too late and the shorter one had already grasped her tail and had a tight grip. she was about to grab it away when a beautiful girl walked up and smacked them so they let go "ao'nung, rotxo did you forget how to act" lo'ak was staring at her in awe. fey gave him the same look he gave neteyam earlier but lo'ak didn't even flinch. "hey" he finally spoke out. neteyam and fey looked at each other and giggled. lo'ak had no game whatsoever it was embarrassing but somehow tsireya smiled and blushed. she found him charming.

the clan leader flew over them along with a couple of warriors. tonowari walked up, "i see you tonowari" jake greeted and tonowari returned the greeting. the tsahik walked up and jake greeted her as well "i see you ronal, tsahik of the metkayina" she gave him a somewhat accepting look in return.

"what brings you to us jakesully?"

"sanctuary for my family"

"we are reef people, you are forest people. your skill will be of no use here."

jake had somewhat of a desperate look in his eyes almost as if he was begging "we'll learn your ways, right?" jake looked around at them slightly frantic. fey was getting worried tonowari seemed to be open to the idea but ronal was already interrogating them as she grabbed neytiri's arm and inspected each of them. "their arms are thin and weak" she walked around to tsu'fey and grabbed her tail which she quickly ripped back. "they will be slow in the water" she walked around to kiri and inspected her. ronal noticed the kiris hand which fey was praying to eywa she would happen to miss. she grabbed kiris hand and held it up for everyone to see. "these children aren't even true na'vi!" she yelled out.

loud gasps and exclaims were heard from the clan standing around. she grabbed lo'ak next and lifted his hand. "they have demon blood" she continued to yell to make sure nobody missed this. ronal slowly made her way back to tonowari as jake began to speak up in defense. "look... look!" he exclaimed as he held his hand up "i was born to the sky people and now I am na'vi, you can adapt... we will adapt" jake was trying to reason as fey picked up poor tuk who was so scared so jake and neytiri could focus "do we have to leave again" she asked quietly, she shhed her "it'll be ok tuk don't worry. we will be ok" fye felt so bad for the little girl. ronal and neytiri were arguing a little and hissed at each other. jake immediately started apologizing for his mate which neytiri was having none of but eventually obliged.

tonowari looked around at the clan "toruk makto was a great war leader, every na'vi knows his story...but we are not at war. we can't let you bring your war here" jake looked absolutely exhausted. "I'm done with war i just want to keep my family safe" tonowari sighed and looked at his wife for approval. ronal looked against it at first but soon found her heart and gave him a look of acceptance. "toruk makto and his family will stay with us. treat them as our brothers and sisters, they do not know the sea yet so they will be like babies taking their first breath. teach them the ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless."

jake looked around at everyone behind him and spoke up because nobody was speaking. "what do we say?" he urged as they all muttered their gratefulness.

tonowari looked over to where his daughter and son were standing and finally spoke "my son ao'nung and daughter tsireya will show your children the way" ao'nung started protesting. "father why must i-" Tonowari was quick to cut him off. "It is decided." ao'nung stayed quiet when he realized this was final and tonowari would not change his mind. "follow me ill show you my village," tsireya said going to grab some of the bags they had taken off the ikran

it will get more interesting soon i swear just have some trust. I'm debating if I should make this traumatizing as hell or have it be happy.


(1648 words)

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