chapter eleven

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"we saw you and neteyam" aw'ati finally spoke after the moment of silence

tsu'fey just squeezed her eyes shut trying not to look at the girls. when she finally opened her eyes she saw both of the girls looking at her with slightly widened eyes and smirks on their faces

"it's nothing really" fey knew it wasn't nothing but she didn't want to say that

"don't lie to me tsu'fey," tsireya said in a stern voice "WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL US?"

"i don't know it's just I DONT KNOW it happened so fast" fey sighed

"i knew from the way he looks at you something was going on" aw'ati smirked like the devious person she was

"oh my god don't talk about it" fey dramatically covered her face with her hands

"it's so adorable though he adores you girl his eyes sparkled earlier when he was looking at you" tsireya was just adding to the embarrassment fey was feeling

"OKAY WE ARE DONE" fey covered their mouths with her hands. she slowly removed her hands "now that we had that great talk can i go?"

"fine... go find your little loverboy" tsireya cringed at herself when she said that

"yeah don't let it happen again" aw'ati also did not agree with that embarrassing sentence that came out of tsireya's mouth

"i agree definitely don't let it happen again," fey said as she backed out of the marui keeping eye contact

"oh fey wait-" tsireya cringed back as fey ran into ao'nung who was trying to walk inside

"whoops maybe watch where you're going next time fish lips" fey stuck her tongue out at him before walking out and tripping on her away out

"she is such a delight," he said sarcastically

as neteyam walked back into his family home tuk looked over at him waiting for fey to follow but she didn't

"where is fey?" tuk asked disappointed

"awe tuk i love you too" he picked her up and swung her around

"what happened to fey? did you kill her?" kiri chimed in

"no, but she could be dead for all i know with the way aw'ati grabbed her"

"fey is dead?" tuk looked like she was about to cry

"no no tuk i was kidding she isn't" he tried to get her to not cry but she quickly got over it when fey walked in

"YAY SHES NOT DEAD" tuk jumped up into fey's arms

"what did you do to her" fey held the little girl

"i made a joke you might be dead because kiri asked if i killed you"

"you're so dumb sometimes it's comical" she laughed at him while setting tuk back down

"hey no reason to be rude now" he kicked the back of her knee and she fell backward on a bed

"that was unnecessary" fey sat up and crossed her arms over her chest

"i really like your hair" tuk sat next to the girl and smiled at her

"awe thank you tuk" fey smiled back. neteyam just stood there and admired her. well until kiri kicked him for staring too hard

"should we go back to meet them?" kiri spoke loudly unlike the way she was whisper yelling at neteyam

"oh yeah you're right" fey realized more time had gone by than she thought. the four walked out and went to meet the others on the dock they were on earlier. when they started their journey it was light out but by the time they got there it was dark and absolutely beautiful

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