chapter twenty-two

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one of the boats that had been shooting at payakan was suddenly thrown into a propeller on the demon ship causing a large fire

"shit" fey mumbled, starting to kick at the railing, attempting to free her hands

"hey!" one of the avatars screamed at her, running over to stop her

fey sat on the ground in defeat as she could barely move now, due to her legs being cuffed together. what else did she expect? when the avatar had come over to try and stop her she hissed at him before kicking him square in the nose, probably breaking it

just when it looked like the fire was starting to die down, the propeller started causing the flames to grow twice their size. as her attention was on the large fire she hadn't noticed the large rock they were speeding towards until they were all lifted into the air, almost immediately slamming back down twice as hard

"you guys ok!?" lo'ak asked the three as he stood, kicking and pulling at the bar in an attempt to get free. they pulled and kicked but nothing was working.

lo'ak had finally gotten the railing to start breaking on one side when neteyam climbed up the side of the boat

"neteyam!" tuk called out, making everyone turn their heads

"need some help?" he said in a teasing tone while cutting tsireya free. he cut tuk free and urged her towards tsireya "get tuk out of here" she did exactly as he said

"what the hell did you do to get your legs cuffed?" neteyam laughed as he cut the restraints. she just pointed to the nosebleed trail

"bro hurry up!" lo'ak rushed

"who's the mighty warrior? come on say it" neteyam teased as he cut him free and scruffed up his hair

"come on guys let's go" fey hurried, neteyam, of course, followed, and lo'ak of course ignored. instead, he ran the other way and picked up a gun "lo'ak what the hell"

"they've got spider, we gotta get him" lo'ak held the gun like he could actually do something with it

authors note

•i had to post this really short chapter so that i can split it here for the two different endings but i promise ill post them soon😘😘😘

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