chapter two

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tsu'fey fights for her life against lo'ak every day and today's battle was going to be hard as hell. "lo'ak this isn't smart" spider laughed at her thinking she was being a wuss but he changed his mind when she pushed him off the branch they were on and into the water. "where are we even going?" fey questioned because WHY THE HELL WAS TUK WITH THEM "unimportant, anyways"

they kept exploring through the trees until fey recognized the path and started screaming at lo'ak telling him how this was stupid and again WHY THE HELL IS TUK WITH THEM? spider finally spoke up again "why did you bring tuk" he immediately regretted asking when lo'ak started going off "shes such a crybaby "ill tell mom if you don't let me come" shes a snitch" tuk stuck her tongue out at him "don't make fun of her" kiri protested

they all continued to the old shack until lo'ak jumped down from the path "these are way too big for a human" he investigates the footprint that looked like a shoe? "are they avatars?" spider jumps down to join lo'ak investigating "maybe but they for sure aren't ours" he starts walking on the lower path and spider followed "what are you doi-" lo'ak cut fey off "shh im tracking" he followed the path of the footsteps while she just sat there looking hurt "DONT YOU SHH ME" he looked at spider with deep fear

they ended up at the old shack hidden behind some trees. lo'ak and spider were talking about their dads and the big fight before fey spoke up "you need to call this in" lo'ak looked at her wide-eyed "did you knock brain cells out of your brain i will die" she looked at him with a serious face. he called it in to jake "retreat do not make a sound DO NOT ENGAGE do you hear me" they all started backing away from the spot they were hidden "yes sir"

as they were quietly running away from the shack fey and kiri started talking about how much trouble they would be in. "you guys shut up it's going to be fi-" he was immediately cut off by the avatars they were following earlier jumping out of the trees

they all tried to fight but they were captured in the end.

they found out about kiri, lo'ak, and tuk being half-breeds after lo'ak decided to flip them off. he was antagonizing them. quaritch gave up on trying to get anything out of lo'ak and moved away.

a knife was held to tsu'feys neck. she wasn't fighting it at all. in fact, she was laughing at them. lo'ak could not believe the balls on this girl. they could easily kill her and she was laughing. they were all pleading with the avatars to not hurt her or kiri as kiri also had a knife held to her. quaritch sighed "what's it going to take for one of you to start talking?" fey laughed at him "well you could kill me" they all jerked their heads at her starting to yell at her in na'vi about her being insane.

lo'ak heard it first, then tsu'fey, and kiri shortly after who sent a look to spider and tuk. neytiri was here they heard it. they kept hearing it. it all happened so fast. an arrow shot right past kiris head into the avatar behind her as neytiri yelled out "LO'AK" signaling him to make the move. as he pulled the trigger on the smoke bomb everyone made a getaway. fey started running, she felt confident in just trying to get out of there since she saw everyone escape just fine. she was barely moving for two seconds before something grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back. she shot her pelvis forward and straight back with a mass amount off force. so much force she flipped over the person who grabbed her and stomped on them while making her getaway.

tsu'fey continued to run when she passed an avatar and as she passed him an arrow fly past her head. she jumped and turned around to make sure it killed him when she felt a hand grip her shoulder and tug her toward them. her instinct was to immediately punch them, which she did. "ow dude what the fuck" she realized who the voice was as she couldn't see his face "neteyam?" he let out a wince "WHO ELSE" he whisper shouted. they suddenly heard someone behind neteyam. she pulled out her knife but soon realized it was just jake. "are you guys ok?" they nodded as he examined them. they stayed mostly hidden until they heard gunshots and they were close. "stay with me stay with me" jake said in a hushed tone as he shot at the avatars and started running. neteyam and tsu'fey followed close behind as they were being shot at. fey was behind both of them when she felt something graze her side. damn, why was she always getting hurt. she didn't even flinch she just kept going because she really didn't want to get left behind.

jake, neteyam, and tsu'fey made it back to everyone else. lo'ak looks at her making sure she was ok but his attention was quickly taken away by the fact that neteyams eye was swelling "damn dude what happened to you" neteyam looked at fey and then looked back at lo'ak. "damn girl you crazy crazy. first, you tell the avatars to kill you and then you go and rock neteyams shit, you a beast" she opened her mouth to explain why she punched him but she felt a hard pinch in her side. she glanced at her side trying not to draw attention to it and just placed her hand on her side like she was being sassy. "well it's his fault he grabbed me out of nowhere im not sure what else he should have expected" he just scoffed at her. she looked up and saw jake giving her a we will talk about this later look.

they called for their ikran and lo'ak rode with kiri as he was still grounded. neteyam glanced at tsu'fey and noticed she was still holding her side which he found strange. she lifted her hand off her wound and neteyam saw the mass amount of blood on her hand. he swerved over to her and it became obvious that he was trying to say something to her but didn't want anyone else to hear. "why didn't you say anything" she looked confused "can i maybe have even an ounce of context dumbass" he pointed at her side "NETEYAM DID YOU JUST POINT AT MY BOOBS" she yelled out loud enough for lo'ak and kiri to hear but jake, neytiri, and tuk were too far ahead lo'ak and kiri whipped there heads around to look at them as neteyam quickly retracted his finger and opened his mouth to defend himself but lo'ak spoke first. "dude you are such a perv you can't just do that" kiri nodded her head in agreement. neteyam just started trying to defend himself before he just blurted out "FEY IS SHOT" loud enough for the entirety of pandora to hear (another drama queen it was barely loud enough for lo'ak to hear but he didn't really fully process it). she immediately regretted her decision to make fun of him. "you're a dick" he just stuck his tongue out at her in response. luckily they were about to land.

apparently, she had lost a lot more blood than she thought because when she got off her ikran she felt extremely lightheaded but she ignored it. she started to walk back to where the sullys stayed as she slept there most nights but her vision started going in and out. she looked back at whoever was behind her before she blacked out.

neteyam and lo'ak were walking behind fey agreeing on how she was walking funny. "we should call for grandmother to look at fey again" lo'ak looked at his brother confused "why would she need to be seen by tsahik?" neteyam looked up so he could point at her side but she had stopped dead in her tracks. she turned to look at them and just collapsed. she was lucky those boys had war training with killer reflexes or she probably would've busted her head open.

when she woke up nobody was there she just had a bandage around her stomach covering the small wound. she walked outside to try and figure out what happened but she was met with lo'ak with a finger over his lips signaling her to be quiet. fey walked over and realized neytiri and jake were fighting. they all sat there silently as jake tells neytiri they need to leave

they were leaving her. just leaving her behind.

they all looked at each other when neytiri finally agreed with jake. when they walked out and saw all the kids sitting there jake sighed "so ill assume you all already know the plan" they all nodded. "are we going to leave tsu'fey" tuk spoke with a shaky voice almost on the verge of tear as she didn't want to leave her home or her favorite princess. fey urged tuk to come over to where she was sitting and tuk obliged. tuk sat next to her and fey put her arm around her and comforted her assuring her it would be ok.

"i am sure she does not want to leave her people but if fey wishes to come with us she may. she was also under their knife and in danger" fey was slightly shocked. she didn't expect them to ask her to come. lo'ak, kiri, and tuk all started asking her to come with them while neteyam just sat there in silence. jake and neytiri had walked away at this point to make some final decisions. "oh come on perv you don't want me to come so you can look at my boobs" she said while covering tuks ears. kiri giggled a little and lo'ak decided to add to the teasing "hey that's no way to speak to your elders" they all laughed because neteyam really enjoyed playing the age card but not anymore.

"so are you going to come with us?" kiri asked when they were about to fall asleep, "i think so. i would miss you guys too much" they chuckled a little and smiled at each other before falling asleep.

neteyam was listening closely. he would never admit it but he really wanted her to come with them. he wasn't sure what it was but he gave her this sense of stability and made him feel safe. even if he did hate her. he suddenly saw her in a new light... and in this light she looked flawless

i rewatched avatar 1 today and its still so fire.


(1834 words)

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