chapter eight

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"you're so beautiful, just flawless"

fey folded at that moment. she was already folded but she folded even harder. she moved her other hand to the back of his neck and pulled his lips onto hers. fey couldn't even think straight she felt like died and came back as a GOD. he pulled her in more to the point the was basically sitting in his lap. she was going feral she was about to forget how to act like a decent na'vi

neteyam felt like the rizz master. he felt her move the hand that was on his neck up into his hair. suddenly he felt quite confident in himself and he brought his lips down to her neck being careful not to leave any marks that definitely wouldn't go well

oh my dear eywa im praying my father and mother aren't seeing this shit im acting like a slut she felt him squeeze her waist slightly before pulling her forward. she let out a quiet gasp she was not expecting that. she threw her head back but when she lifted it back up she saw ao'nung looking for someone. he wasn't looking at them thankfully but he would be in a second.

"shit neteyam!" she removed her hands from his hair and slapped his shoulder

"what? what's wrong?" he was scared he did something wrong

"ao'nung is walking up" he whipped his head around and removed his hands from her waist which caused her to fall back

"he isn't looking at us" he sighed "damn girl you scared the shit out of me"

"well first of all OW! second i know he isn't looking yet but he could've! what if we got caught?" neteyam knew she was right

"he might've cried a little let's be honest" he laughed as she smacked his arm "sorry... should we go see what he wants?" neteyam began to stand up

"yeah i guess" fey stood up and grabbed all the healing supplies laying around them. when she bent down to pick the stuff up all her hair fell to one side exposing the right side of her neck

"shit" neteyam said under his breath

"what? what is it?" she was genuinely concerned until he started laughing

"just don't put your hair up for a while and maybe put some of that cream that stops bruising on there" he had his hand over his mouth laughing

"what? oh. OH MY GOD YOU DICK" she smacked him with the wet rag from before

he held his hands up in defense "hey i tried" he was still holding his hands up before she rolled her eyes at him and smacked his stomach as she walked by

"fucking damn dude do you have any body fat that hurt" he laughed at her

ao'nung looked frantic which made fey concerned

"what's wrong with you?" fey tried to chill him out a little

"well... so i- um well-" ao'nung couldn't get a word out

"spit it out"

"well lo'akcametoapologizeanditookhimoutsidethereefandnowidontknowwhereheishisilucamebackbuthehasnt and im sorry" he was fully prepared to get punched again but they were just staring at him blankly trying to figure out what he said

it finally clicked in fey's head "YOU TOOK HIM OUTSIDE THE REEF AND LOST HIM?" ao'nung nodded his head. neteyam grabbed him by the ear before fey could and started dragging him to jake.

neteyam shoved ao'nung in front of jake and jake looked wildly confused

"tell him what you told us" neteyam pointed at jake

ao'nung confessed to everything he had done and jake immediately went to find tonowari. he wasn't trying to be a snitch he was just deeply worried for his son after lo'ak could be dead for all they know.

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