{RWBY} Chapter 22: Meeting the Crow-Shifting Man and Final Dungeon Raid

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Universe: RWBY

Location: Beacon Academy

Status: Oh boi


{3rd Pov}

Back on Beacon Academy, thr scene show the Team JACO run toward the courtyard as Jackson and Olivia run toward to somewhere while Agato and Chariot just following them from behind.

Agato: Wait up!

Chariot: Yeah! What is wrong with you guys?!

Chariot asked in confusion, but both of Traveler doesn't answer him as Jackson and Olivia just running toward.

Jackson: Do you remember where this gonna happen?

Olivia: We're almost there!

After running for sometimes, they finally arrived at right time as they saw the drunken man sneakily destroyed two of AK-200, Winter's androids, beheading one of them before kicking its head towards the group.

???: Hey!

The drunken man calls them out as the group turns around to see the man.

???: Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen!

JACO: { Observe }

The box popped up.

Name: Qrow Branwen
Race: Human
Title: The Drunken Crow
[Qrow could turned into a crow anytime he wanted.]
Level: 75
HP: 7500  MP: 420

Chariot: Wtf that title?

Agato: Is he always drunk?

Olivia: Obviously, yeah.

???: Halt!

The white haired woman ordered as one of her android was pointing at Qrow with its rifle, ready to shot him. The Team JACO look at her before used { Observe } on her.

Name: Winter Schnee
Race: Human
Title: The Ice Queen
[Winter has high Dominance over low-level beings and high Charisma.]
Level: 75
HP: 7500  MP: 700

Weiss: Excuse me! Do you have any idea who you are talking to!?

Weiss asked in anger while angrily walks up to the offender's face, assumes that this is directed to her.

Qrow: Sssshhh. Not you.

Qrow claimed as he places his hand on Weiss' face before pushes her out of his way, dismisses her as he moves forward.

Weiss: H- Hey!

Qrow stopped before look directly at Winter, who look very irritated by him.

Qrow: You.

Qrow clarified, asserts that he was talking to Winter as a raven is seen perched on a lamp post before flying off and circling past the group.

Jackson saw this before used {Observe} at it and the box popped up.

Name: Raven Branwen
Race: Human
Title: The Spring Maiden
Level: ???
HP: ???  MP: ???

Jackson: *thought* Level doesn't show on transformed people or she has higher level, or i just an idiot.

Jackson talk to himself in thought before look back toward Qrow and Winter argument.

Qrow: Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. I guess you're here, too.

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