{RWBY} Chapter 24: The First Sparring

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{Universe: Remnant}

{Location: ???}

{Status: ???}

{3rd POV}

Inside some sort of castle, somewhere on the Vale, a pale-skin woman with pitch black and reddish irises, Salem seem sitting on throne quietly, thinking about something when the same shockwave that contained demonic energies passing by her. As the energies passing through her, she heard some sort of distorted laugh as if the voice is taunting and mocking her.

???: A p0oR p4tH3t1c cR3atUrE wH0 l0s3 ev3rYtHinG aNd c4nN0t d1E 4t aLl~ h0w s4D~

The voice taunted before started laughing mockingly as the laugh echoing inside her brain over and over. At first, the woman ignored the voice. But her temper slowly rising as the echoes of laughing and mockery slowly getting louder and louder until...

???: Your Grace?

A muscular middle-aged man, Hazel calls her out, where Salem finally calm down and the echoing were gone as she turn her attention toward him.

Hazel: Is there something wrong, Your Grace?

Salem doesn't responded for a bit before she let out a small sigh and started talking.

Salem: I could feel some sort of disturbing energies.

Hazel: Do you think that energies were belong to that leader of Team JACO?

Salem: Yes. But instead of inducing a fear, those energies are full of mockery and taunting at me.

Hazel: I see.

There are a moment of silence for a second before Salem put her hand on her face.

Salem: Can you give me some private space, Hazel?

Hazel: Very well, Your Grace.

Hazel goes out from her room, giving her some privacy. Salem clenches her fist very hard as she grinned the teeth, really pissed by those mockery and taunting that started echoing inside her brain once again.

{Universe: Remnant}

{Location: Amity Colosseum, Vale}

{Status: Bored}

The scene show that th Colosseum's mountain biome being bombarded by several explosions all around the area. Russel with Shortwings in hand seem running from the mayhem before spinning around, ready to face his opponents, who turns out to be the familiar face of Penny and her beret-wearing teammate. With an ever-present smile and simple arm movements, she summons six floating swords from Floating Array and rears them back before launching them in a ring at Russel, who barely manages to duck behind a rock to protect himself.

Wasting no time, Penny does the same thing with another group of blades, homing in on the other CRDL teammate Sky until he uses Feather's Edge to vault over another stone for defense. The two exchange a worried look at the sight of their rocks still pierced with multiple blades, and Penny grins in combat-ready fierceness as she looks to her partner, who simply taps her watch as if hurrying Penny up. Wasting no time, Penny raises her hands like a puppetmaster and uses the near-invisible strings attached to each hilt to lift the giant rocks up in the air, with the screaming Russel and Sky still hanging on. Bringing her arms down to her sides, the stones come crashing to the ground as well, leaving Penny's opponents in the grass. Her swords come back to her pack as the buzzer rings.

Oobleck: And victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!

Oobleck announced, where the crowds started cheering up on the winner of this round. Penny places her fist in her palm and bowing in respect to her fallen foes, who still smiling.

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