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Ace Santos pov

The moment I arrive at the hospital, Melon rushes towards me. Melon is Ingrid's best friend.

"Thanks God you are here. She has been asking for you nonstop. You need to see her." She explains with a panic tone. I sigh and nod.

"How is she?" I ask hoping she is okay.

"She is all over you. She wants you, she needs you. Please don't leave her." She pleads. I feel so bad hearing that from her. I don't reply anything other than nodding at her.

She takes me to the ward room where Ingrid is admitted.

"Before you go, just know that her father is the one who asked for you to be here." I am shocked to hear that. Her father?

What happened for him to change his mind?

The moment I open the door, my eyes lands on the most beautiful girl in my word laying in the hospital bed. She is sleeping peacefully. Her skin is pale making my heart ache. I heave a deep sigh.

"We had to induce her with a sleeping drug to make her calm down for a while." Melon speaks behind me.

"I will leave you two alone. I will be outside if you need anything." She says and leaves.

I walk towards Ingrid and take a sit on the chair beside the bed. I hold her free hand and kiss it.

"I love you so much Ingrid. Please wake up. I am here now. I won't leave you. I promise you that." I tell her as if she can hear me. I then kiss her forehead.

Time passes by and I hear the door opening up. I turn to check on the person who just entered and I am greeted by Ashton Silverio.

"Sir." I acknowledge his presence but he just nods as a response and gives me a signal to follow him outside.

Once we are outside the wardroom, he keeps walking until we reach at the waiting area lounge of the hospital.

We get seated and he heaves a deep sigh before he starts to speak.

"I have a deal for you." He says. A deal?

"My daughter loves you so much that she almost took her life with her when you rejected her. I as a father, can't sit and watch my daughter die. So I have decided to let you two be together." My heart jumps with joy hearing his proposal.

"But, that doesn't mean I trust you yet. I am only allowing this to help my daughter and keep her safe. Don't you dare hurt my daughter or else, you will regret it." He warns me. For the first time, I feel intimidated by him.

"I will never hurt your daughter. I love her more than life itself." I state truthfully. He chuckles sarcastically.

"So how much do you want from this. Just name your price." I am surprised to hear that from. Now it makes sense. So this is the proposal he was talking about the whole time.

What doe he think of me? Rage escalates in me. I shoot him a murderous glare.

"I don't need to get paid to love Ingrid. My love for her is priceless." I stand up from the chair abruptly making Mr. Silverio glare at me murderously.

"Let's see how much you will put up with this act of yours." He smirks. I grit my teeth and form feast on my hands to restrain myself from speaking something that I might regret later. How dare he?

I walk away from him and go to Ingrid's ward room. I just want to tell her how much I love her and that I will never leave her.

The moment I open the door, I spot Ingrid talking to her friend Melon. As soon as the notice my presence, they turn to face me. Ingrid's face lit up with a smile upon seeing me. I smile and rush towards her eloping her in my arms. I feel her hugging me back with sobs.

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